无锡市工信局张弦:抓住关键期 谋划推动绿色制造攻坚?
无锡市工信局党组成员、物联网办公室专职副主任张弦。 4月25日,新京报零碳研究院走进无锡,在无锡市惠山区举办研讨会。来自国家部委、科研机构、当地政府及相关企业100余人,汇集在美丽的尚田小镇,共同解码智造高地[详细]
2023-04-27 06:49 分类:问答How can I create a self-consistent .jar file with Eclipse?
I wrote my Java application in Eclipse. Now I would like to generate a .jar file which can be run on other systems from the command line. Is there a easy way to do it in Eclipse?[详细]
2022-12-28 16:20 分类:问答