

  • stty and sending carriage return

    I have a serial device with which I am trying to communicate. This device knows when a complete command has been sent when the command string is terminated with a \"\\r\". Thus, a typical command stri[详细]

    2023-04-11 20:21 分类:问答
  • Stty getting insane on using Python subprocess

    I am facing a weird problem. Every time I call a particular command cmd via subprocess.Popen(cmd).wait(),the stty gets bad (does not echo my further commands on the shell, newline does not work, etc.)[详细]

    2023-04-08 03:55 分类:问答
  • “正是风吹狼藉时”上一句是什么?

    光明赞歌 2022-03-20 07:25 “正是风吹狼藉时”上一句是:“花园欲去去应迟”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《杏园花落时招钱开发者_如何学C员外同醉》。附《杏园花落时招钱员外同醉》全文赏析杏园花落时招钱[详细]

    2022-12-28 15:54 分类:问答