
Python 嵌套类

  • Python中嵌套类的实现

    目录Q: python的类里可js以写类吗Q : InnerClass 要怎么访问外部类的成员变量Q : 比如说A嵌套B,那么在B的函数里面,如何创建一个新的B对象Q: python的类里可以写类吗[详细]

    2023-04-07 09:34 分类:开发
  • BitShifting with BigIntegers in Java

    I am implementing DES Encryption in Java with use of BigIntegers. I am left shifting binary keys with Java BigIntegers by doing the BigInteger.leftShift(int n) method. Key of N (Kn) is dependent on t[详细]

    2022-12-28 15:52 分类:问答