
C++ 测试框架入门

  • C++ 测试框架GoogleTest入门介绍

    目录引言简单介绍初体验 引言 开发者虽然主要负责工程里的开发任务,但是每个开发完毕的功能都是需要开发者自测通过的,所以经常会听到开发编程者提起单元测试的话题。那么今天我就带大伙一起来看看大名鼎鼎的谷歌[详细]

    2023-04-04 11:30 分类:开发
  • how to make a name from random numbers?

    my program makes a random name that could have a-z this code makes a 16 char name but :( my code wont make the name and idk why :( can anyone show me what\'s wrong with this?[详细]

    2022-12-28 15:46 分类:问答