

  • 利用Python实现智能合约的示例详解

    目录智能合约1. 是什么2. 使用场景用python如何实现1. 设计智能合约2. 编写智能合约源代码3. 编译智能合约4. 部署智能合约5. 调用智能合约方法6. 监控智能合约事件7. 升级智能合约智能合约[详细]

    2023-04-03 09:16 分类:开发
  • Add a value to an element in a list of sets

    I\'m using python, and I have a list of sets, constructed like this: list = [set([])]*n ...where n is the number of sets I want in the list. I want to add a value to a specific set in the list. Say[详细]

    2022-12-28 15:43 分类:问答