SFHFKeychainUtils "forgot" my user's passwords
I\'m using SFHFKeychainUtils for a while now. On my last update to the AppStore, it suddenly \"forgot\" my user\'s passwords. Meaning, when calling getPasswordForUsername for the same username and ser[详细]
2023-04-11 23:33 分类:问答SFHFKeychainUtils. iOS keychain. ARC compatible
I was wondering if anyone that was using the SFHFKeychainUtils managed to modify them to be compatible for ARC. More exactly the[详细]
2023-04-11 12:38 分类:问答Can I use Keychain Across iPhone Apps, from an SDK?
I am writing an SDK which will ship as a static library. Can I access the keychain to store data so that I can retrieve it in another app which also has my library? Seems like Apple would frown upon t[详细]
2023-03-30 15:24 分类:问答-
Check Checkboxes dynamically
Hi, ive been dealing with this for some time now and need your help. well I have an array $arrayAmenities which contains a combination of the following data based on what is fetched from the database:[详细]
2022-12-29 18:18 分类:问答 王牌竞速轮毂合金刀锋外观好看吗?合金刀锋轮毂外观预览与分享?
2022-12-28 17:47 分类:问答PostGreSQL load increasing over time, why?
It\'s a CentOS server (I don\'t know the specs) and just before anybody states the obvious, keep in mind these mitigating factors:[详细]
2022-12-28 15:40 分类:问答