

  • 酱烧肉怎么做好吃呢??

    段然敏 2021-01-26 17:45 主料:五花肉1条,冰糖(五花肉量的1/3)调料:生抽1大勺,醋 1/3勺,八角,桂皮,花椒,姜片,盐,植物油,水做法1、五花肉洗净,拔毛。2、热锅,倒入开发者_如何转开发油,油热后放[详细]

    2023-03-16 21:49 分类:问答
  • change background of an ImageView (the old image stays there!)

    how can I change the background of an ImageView from java? I have an ImageView and at a certain point I need to change the image that it displays (set in the styles). I tried to do it like this:[详细]

    2022-12-28 15:13 分类:问答