Why randomize your file names for cloud storage/CDN?
When you look at a profile picture on a social networking site like Twitter, they store image files like:[详细]
2023-04-11 23:55 分类:问答How to handle large amounts storage on the cloud (or otherwise?)
I have written an application which does video encoding. The encoding is a pipelined process: first you fetch the video, then you encode it using ffmpeg, then you split the video into multiple parts,[详细]
2023-03-02 14:56 分类:问答求一个qq网名古风唯美诗意女!?
_WeCh****55261 2022-03-20 00:38 柳瑟舞 楚萤萱 苏樱雪 曲华裳 魏蒹葭 鲁瑶依古雯菲 古灵儿 古逸雯 古蕴飞 古翰(翰林学士之意) 古悦~~ 古董儿 古雪乔 古美馨 馨:香气 古碧琪 琦:美玉 古颖萱 颖:聪颖 萱:[详细]
2022-12-28 14:15 分类:问答