

  • Optimization tips and tricks [closed]

    As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be suppor开发者_开发技巧ted by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely so[详细]

    2022-12-21 12:39 分类:问答
  • .NET TAPI Interface

    I’ve been asked to write some .NET code that integrates with a phone system using a TAPI API. I rea开发者_StackOverflowd that there is no .NET interface for this API ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb[详细]

    2022-12-21 09:43 分类:问答
  • 好玩的手游推荐?

    ty_爱柒 开发者_开发技巧 2022-05-11 19:16 随着科技的发展,手机的应用越来越多,功能也越来越强大。而手机上玩的游戏也越来越多,平时家中没有电脑的朋友就会去玩手游,下面就给大家推荐一下哪些手游比较好玩儿[详细]

    2022-12-21 09:41 分类:问答
  • Flex Keeps compiling old files

    I\'m working on a project on Flex AS3.0 project in Flex Builder. It was working fine, I changed the name of one of my classes and all the related process. Now when I compile d开发者_如何学编程ubug the[详细]

    2022-12-21 06:48 分类:问答
  • how i can make the Revenue Sharing system by php

    How can I show something on 75% of requests, so that on average, every four page requests would result in three pages showing it, and one开发者_C百科 not.[详细]

    2022-12-21 05:21 分类:问答
  • Playing with Java Compilation

    I have developed an SDK in Java for wh开发者_运维知识库ich I also have a runtime. I want to restrict development using my runtime jars. My SDK is node-locked but I dont want to keep runtime node-locke[详细]

    2022-12-21 04:17 分类:问答
  • 邮件怎么设置?都支持什么邮箱?

    车丽宏 开发者_StackOverflow中文版2022-05-13 07:06 这是官方配置[详细]

    2022-12-21 02:54 分类:问答
  • Submit a radio button as a file input

    I have a set of radio buttons with values like this: <input type=\"radio\" value=\"http://www.foo.com/image1.jpg\" />[详细]

    2022-12-21 01:08 分类:问答
  • 外婆红烧肉快餐店?


    2022-12-21 00:20 分类:问答
  • 老中医把脉说不孕不育?

    hellkid 开发者_运维技巧 2022-05-13 13:21 诊断此病还需经过中医检测能力明确。假如是重度的精索静脉曲张,则须要手术医治。诊断后,可在医生的引导下,采用中药选择调养医治。提议去医院门诊消除不孕的原因,中[详细]

    2022-12-20 22:32 分类:问答