Castle.Windsor: passing a dependency through 2 typed factories
Types: public interface IWidgetFactoryFactory { IWidgetFactory CreateFactory(); } public interface IWidgetFactory { FooWidget CreateFoo(Foo model); }[详细]
2023-03-22 08:16 分类:问答Configure a castle windsor TypedFactory with custom selector via xml?
I have the following configuration: container.AddFacility<TypedFactoryFacility>() .Register(Component.For<IMyFactory>()[详细]
2023-03-12 06:08 分类:问答Should typed factory facility throw an exception when I request a component by name which is not registered?
If I register a component with the container with a name (don\'t worry... contrived example!) container.Register(Component.For<double>().Instance(Math.PI).Named(\"pi\")[详细]
2023-03-02 11:37 分类:问答Windsor Generic Typed Factory
I\'m trying to convert a factory class that get\'s a message of a certain type and resolves the processors for that message type to an implementation the Typed Factory Facility.[详细]
2023-03-01 00:12 分类:问答How can an interceptor be added to a Typed Factory Facility factory method in Castle Windsor
I\'m using a Typed Factory Facility in Castle Windsor. I want to get a callback when a factory method generates an instance of what it is supposed to create in order to wire up the instance for proper[详细]
2023-02-24 23:42 分类:问答Typed factory memory issue
If I create and dispose my container multiple times, on each creation I noticed, due to typed factory, a big memory allocation(200kb for this sample, but into a real app ~2MB) that leads to OutOfMemor[详细]
2023-02-22 13:01 分类:问答有一部鬼片 里面有 个女鬼叫小谢 有一个好像叫小青 这部鬼片名字叫什么?
我最爱吃小包子啦 2022-03-20 15:33 开发者_如何学运维是不是聊斋之奇女子[详细]
2022-12-28 12:51 分类:问答