jquery Ajax $.ajaxError
I have a bunch of ajax calls that contain success and error conditions like this one: $.ajax({ url: \'Remote/State.cfc\'[详细]
2022-12-25 16:05 分类:问答Django Distinct on queryset in forms.py
I try to get a list with distinct into the forms.py like this: forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Events.objects.values(\'hostname\'), required=False).distinct()[详细]
2022-12-25 15:43 分类:问答Can I open an HTML5 client-side database via an iPhone App (objective-C)?
I am using UIW开发者_C百科ebView in a regular Objective-C iPhone App.Web pages displayed in the UIWebView are writing to a HTML5 client-side SQL database via javascript.I would like to open this datab[详细]
2022-12-25 11:13 分类:问答Spring Framework HttpRequestHandler failure
We have an application which communicates via REST requests made by clients. The REST requests contain \"region name\" and a \"ID\" as parameters[详细]
2022-12-24 06:14 分类:问答Problem with adding errors to Validation library in Kohana 3
I need to add some errors to the Validation helper in Kohana 3. Here is what I start with: // validate form[详细]
2022-12-21 05:36 分类:问答Python : updating values in a dictionary
I have the following dictionary -> key : (time,edge_list) Now I开发者_开发问答 want to increment all time values by 1. How do I do that?[详细]
2022-12-20 18:08 分类:问答一胎生了两个孩子,在法律上算是二胎么??
2022-12-19 16:08 分类:问答法院什么情况下给取保候审(法律上法院取保候审意味什么)?
2022-12-10 18:11 分类:问答-
图书馆押金100能退吗 图书馆押金100能退吗知乎
品牌型号:iPhone13 pro pro 系统:iOS 16.0图书馆押金100能退。押金是暂时抵押的,如果将借的图书还了,没有损坏的,押金就可以退还,损坏图书就要在押金中扣除。生活中所说的押金在法[详细]
2022-12-02 17:32 分类:问答