陈浩 2021-06-10 12:06 开发者_JAVA百科个人觉得你是不是在做实验的时候稍微有一点点紧张啊?把心态放平和了慢条斯理的做就会好了吧。还有就是平时在家里多做些事情,换个灯泡、插座之类的。提升一下自己动手[详细]
2023-02-19 13:25 分类:问答Parse XHTML using Ruby
Is there any way I can parse a remote html page, in Ruby, preferably using jQuery like selectors? For example, I could select all the div having a specific class, and get the content of all those ele[详细]
2022-12-28 03:15 分类:问答