HOW TO Find by Object ID on MongoDB with Casbah?
I\'m trying to write a query to find by Object ID with Casbah, it seems trivial but ... I don\'t find.[详细]
2023-02-22 09:50 分类:问答How to pool the connections of mongodb with casbah?
I\'m using mongodb with scala driver casbah. If I\'m not开发者_运维百科 understanding wrong, it doesn\'t provide connection pool. Is there any pool libraries for casbah, like dbcp/c3p0 for jdbc connec[详细]
2023-02-18 21:05 分类:问答Can I use SOAPUI for concurrency testing?
I am trying to test my web service using SOAPUI (the free version). For testing concurrency, I wished to fire concurrent threads from SOAPUI onto the service. But with the options, the thread count in[详细]
2022-12-28 00:14 分类:问答