Converting ppt to png using Apache poi
Hello I am trying to use the Apache Poi framework to convert each slide of a ppt to an individual png. The problem is that some slides are deformed. For instance there is a slide where the background[详细]
2023-02-15 08:42 分类:问答君威喷漆多少钱啊?新手车剐蹭了两处,需要补漆嘛,大概多少钱??
Andy咿咿呀呀 2022-03-25 15:54 对于二十万左右的汽车来说,普通修理店重新烤漆每平方米两百到三百元不等。4S店做补漆的工作,价格会贵点,在一平米几百到几千不等。补漆价格的决定因素:[详细]
2022-12-27 15:20 分类:问答