Replacing quote marks around strings in Vim?
I have something akin to <Foobar Name=\'Hello There\'/> and need to change the single quotation marks to double quotation marks. I tried :s/\\\'.*\\\'/\\\"\\0\\\" but it ended up producing <F[详细]
2022-12-17 19:42 分类:问答Filtering email addresses in an array -php
I have a php array containing email addresses as array(email_address1 => name1, email2 => name2) format.[详细]
2022-12-17 06:35 分类:问答简单谈谈Python中的模块导入
目录模块与包__import__模块缓存imp 与 importlib 模块惰性导入总结参考资料本文不讨论 python 的导入机制(底层实现细节),仅讨论模块与包,以及导入语句相关的概念。通常,导入模块都是使用如下语句:[详细]
2022-12-02 14:04 分类:开发