Why won't MySQL let me remove attribute "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"?
I have a table with two timestamp fields. I simply defined them with a name and the type TIMESTAMP, yet for some reason MySQL automatically set one of them with a default value and the attribute on up[详细]
2023-02-13 19:21 分类:问答MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on create and on update
I want to define table which will have 2 TIMESTAMP fields, someting like this: CREATE TABLE `msgs` ( `id` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,[详细]
2023-02-08 07:01 分类:问答周末到深圳南山荷兰花卉小镇游玩指南?
麦无敌 2022-04-02 11:10 荷兰花卉小镇位于深圳市南山区,这里因为出产各种鲜花而出名,接下来这篇指南将给大家带来深圳荷兰花卉小镇的游玩攻略。操作方法01荷兰花卉小镇,距离深圳市区约三十公里的距离,所以我[详细]
2022-12-26 21:24 分类:问答