目录引言单元测试基准测试表驱动测试引言 Go 语言的 testing 包为编写单元测试和基准测试提供了强大的支持。单元测试用于验证代码的正确性,基准测试用于测量代码的性能。[详细]
2023-11-21 11:23 分类:开发-
目录背景测试单元测试演示覆盖率依赖文件处理Mock基准测试小结背景 测试的出现是为了避免项目中出现重大事故[详细]
2023-02-06 11:06 分类:开发 Can I treat IronPython as a Pythonic replacement to C#?
I do understand that this topic has been covered in some way at StackOverflow but I\'m still not able to figure out the exact answer: can I treat IronPython as a Pythonic replacement to C#?[详细]
2022-12-26 16:36 分类:问答