SpringCloud OpenFeign使用
目录一、前言二、微服务接口之间的调用问题2.1 Httpclient2.2 Okhttp2.3 HttpURLConnection2.4 RestTemplate 三、openfeign介绍3.1 什么是 openfeign3.2 openfeign优势四、Spring Cloud&n[详细]
2023-03-16 10:40 分类:开发 SpringCloud OpenFeign概述与使用教程
目录Feign使用传参URL拼接传参GET传参POST传参调用拓展日志打印Feign 它是声明性(注解)web服务客户端[详细]
2023-02-06 10:33 分类:开发Force Browser Mode=IE8 and document mode=IE8 Standards
I have a internal website hosted on IIS. I added the following meta code and also add http-header that the page should in IE8 Browser mode and document mode.[详细]
2022-12-26 16:14 分类:问答