

  • 求一个帅气的qq个性签名!?

    _柒子 2022-03-14 10:38 开发者_开发问答 别在我的坟前哭,脏了我轮回的路。人本来就寂寞的 我总会把你戒掉把永远爱你写进诗的结尾,你是我唯一想要的了解本是同根生,那些盲目的打砸愤青是闹哪出真正的孤独不是[详细]

    2022-12-29 02:43 分类:问答
  • Oracle TNS problems?

    I have an error ? My pl/Sql Developer says my oracle database cannot find the service descriptor But when I Do a check the listener I get this error.[详细]

    2022-12-29 02:41 分类:问答
  • Required element did not contain a wsu:id?

    I am new to soapUI 3.5. I tried some wsdl that acquire security against web service deployed on jboss 4.2.1[详细]

    2022-12-27 07:29 分类:问答
  • How Do I Programmatically Check if a WordPress Plugin Is Already Activated?

    I know I can use activate_plugin() from inside a given, active plugin in WordPress, to activate another plugin. But what I want to know is how do I programmatically check if that plugin is already act[详细]

    2022-12-27 05:53 分类:问答
  • 温碧泉多少钱啊??

    462710480 2022-04-04 19:59 开发者_JAVA百科单品就几十,套装也就一百多,两百多左右。只不过温碧泉是杂牌子,产品用起来不是太好。如果你想要补水效果比较好的话,建议使用碧欧泉。这个口碑要好得多。只是建议[详细]

    2022-12-26 16:25 分类:问答
  • Send form when hitting enter

    I have a form in a jQuery enabled site. The form does not feature an <input type=\"submit\"> button. For that reason, it\'s not submitted when you hit enter. What\'s the recommended way to emula[详细]

    2022-12-25 16:42 分类:问答
  • 半生缘各人物结局是什么?


    2022-12-24 08:25 分类:问答
  • passing argument 1 from incompatible pointer type

    Why does this code...: NSDictionary *testDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:kABOtherLabel, @\"other\", kABWorkLabel, @\"work\", nil];[详细]

    2022-12-23 02:30 分类:问答
  • Creating a Colormap Legend in Matplotlib

    I am using imshow() in matplot开发者_开发百科lib like so: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt[详细]

    2022-12-22 20:40 分类:问答
  • Rails Cache Sweeper and Model Callback Firing

    I have the following classes: class Vigil < ActiveRecord::Base after_update :do_something_cool private[详细]

    2022-12-22 15:04 分类:问答