Why doesn't WPF Canvas alow drop?
I have the following XAML for the main window: <Window x:Class=\"ImageViewer.Window1\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation\"[详细]
2023-04-13 02:49 分类:问答Changing viewport of datagrid
I need to change viewport of datagrid to maximum so all rows are propagated in constructor. So I used Scrollview with row height set to auto.[详细]
2023-04-13 02:48 分类:问答displaying listbox in grid
This might be a stupid question, but i\'m stuck doing it :(. I have a grid and have 3 columns. I have a textbox and a listbox in each of these 3 columns as shown:[详细]
2023-04-13 02:41 分类:问答Not apply styles defined
开发者_StackOverflow社区i created a ResourceDictionary , and defined a style for Windows <Style TargetType=\"{x:Type Window}\"x:Key=\"WindowDefaultStyle\">[详细]
2023-04-13 02:26 分类:问答How can I prevent tabbing to a UserControl?
I have a custom Popup that overlays part of my screen. When it is open, I want to disable tabbing into the UserControl behind it. I do not want to use the IsEnabled property because I do not want to g[详细]
2023-04-13 02:18 分类:问答Loading WPF Style from Resource File
I am trying to load WPF Style from other file actually from WPF Custom Control Library but i am failing to load here is my solution.[详细]
2023-04-13 02:14 分类:问答How to indicate allowable drage & drop targets?
I\'m considering a UI design (using WPF), but I\'m not sure how to implement a critical feature: The user will be assigning needs to resources.There are some rules about what assignments can be made,[详细]
2023-04-13 02:05 分类:问答WPF making ServiceController[] Observable
So im trying to make a data-grid that displays some information about local window services, mine in particular, I would like to have the display name and status of the service, and then have a button[详细]
2023-04-13 02:01 分类:问答Combobox selectedValue missing in result of XamlWriter.Save
Few day ago I started to play with dynamic Xaml. I have noticed that using XamlWriter.Save method to serialize Combobox causes absence of selectedValue in result string. Text of se开发者_运维技巧lecte[详细]
2023-04-13 01:57 分类:问答Dialog form in wpf change content
I want to display a dialog form for new and edit actions... However title, buttons , and few other things should change.[详细]
2023-04-13 01:26 分类:问答