Drupal 7 Edit User Page Override
I need to override the \'user/%user/edit\' page for a specific user role, say \'foo_role\'.I have successfully created the new user registration form that explicitly selects the fields to be used in c[详细]
2023-02-11 01:45 分类:问答Why can't I move a field into a fieldset in a Drupal form - fails to pick up current value
I have a node form in Drupal 7, in order to simplify it for the user I want to break it up into sections using the vertical tabs feature.[详细]
2023-02-08 08:48 分类:问答Why am I not getting my own page - drupal hook_menu
I have a module I\'m creating and its purpose is to import a specific type of data and append it to nodes depending on that data.[详细]
2023-02-03 01:14 分类:问答Drupal hook_form_alter for Taxonomy admin
I created a module to do all my form altering called \"form_mods\". It\'s working for most situations but not for the Taxonomy page.[详细]
2023-02-02 10:29 分类:问答艾尔登法环辉石魔法师的怎么找到骨灰?
有事上这个号说 2022-04-16 16:37 艾尔登法环辉石魔法师的怎么找到骨灰辉石魔法师的骨灰想要开发者_StackOverflow中文版获得可以去湖之利耶尼亚的绝路地下墓地下面就为大家带来艾尔登法环辉石魔骨灰获取方法介绍[详细]
2022-12-25 11:09 分类:问答