NtQueryInformationProcess won't work in Visual Studio 2010
I have a strange problem that i didn\'t encounter before i must mention that my ma开发者_如何学编程in programming language is delphi not c++ and i might do a stupid mistake and don\'t realise it.[详细]
2023-03-27 17:35 分类:问答Delete a mutex from another process
Using the topic Overview - Handle Enumeration, number 5, the attempt Close mutex of another process and and information from Mutex analysis, the canary in the coal mine and discovering new families of[详细]
2023-03-23 01:43 分类:问答Does the NT DLL Loader load DLLs in the order of the import section of the executable?
If you have an executable on Windows, you can view its import section with the DUMPBIN utility (included e.g. in Visual Studio).[详细]
2023-03-13 10:35 分类:问答What is the difference between NtCreateProcess and ZwCreateProcess?
What is the difference between NtCreateProcess and ZwCreateProcess? In ntdll.dll, both NtCreateProcess and ZwCrea开发者_开发问答teProcess point to exactly the same addressIn user-mode the groups of Nt[详细]
2023-01-23 16:02 分类:问答求中开头成语接龙!?
_WeCh****492959 2022-04-25 08:20 开发者_StackOverflow中文版 没有以“也”字开头的成语,“也”是属于后缀字,基本不可能在成语前面出现。但是有:野无遗贤 ,野无遗才 ,野蔌山肴, 野人奏曝 ,野人献日一、[详细]
2022-12-23 21:44 分类:问答