Foxit Reader Command Line Arguments (Return Error Codes?)
Using Foxit Reader through batch file to print PDF files via a FOR loop: SET printing=C:\\PDF\\Printing[详细]
2023-03-11 06:53 分类:问答Determine if color bitmap is black and white
I have a HBitmap I am recieving from an API i am using to convert pages in PDF documents. The resulting bitmap is 24 bit color bitmap. I am trying to determine, using black and white scanned images th[详细]
2023-01-23 07:10 分类:问答中庸的作者是谁啊??
墨染曦 2022-04-25 15:28 关于《中庸》的作者,司马迁、郑玄、程颐、朱熹等人都认为是子思所作。孔门中子思就有二人,一个是孔子的弟子原宪,字子思。另一个是孔子的孙子孔伋,字子思。古今学者都认为是后一个[详细]
2022-12-23 20:25 分类:问答