Debugging symbian application using capability that can't be self signed
Right now I\'m learning Qt, especially QtMobility messaging. I deploy it to S60 FP 2, Nokia E72. But the application using capability that needed to have non self-signed license. Until now if I need[详细]
2023-03-03 12:36 分类:问答Protocol Specification of Metro TRK or App TRK
Can somebody point to the protocol docs of Metro TRK 开发者_如何学JAVAand/or App TRK that is used for on device debugging for Symbian Application?Is this helpful:[详细]
2023-01-22 22:56 分类:问答十开头的成语有哪些成语大全?
qkoufu126 2022-04-26 08:04 一心一意 二龙戏珠 三心二意 四面楚歌 五湖四海 六神无主 七上八下 八面玲珑 九死一生 十万火急 百里挑一 千变万化 [详细]
2022-12-23 19:54 分类:问答