六只又菱 2021-07-15 10:40 会的,父母暴露在PAH下和学龄儿童患上ADHD之间具有相关性。PAH是一种有毒空气污染物,它有诸多来源,例如交通、住宅锅炉、使用化石燃料的发电厂等。研究发现父母PAH暴露水平与儿童行[详细]
2023-02-09 19:17 分类:问答儿童多动症是什么因素造成的,有遗传倾向吗??
53708934 2021-10-21 15:45 已经有研究表明,多动症及其他一些精神相关疾病可能与基因拷贝异常有关。英国Williams研究团队报道,很多多动症(ADHD)患者的遗传物质似乎发生了异常。他们发现,导致ADHD的成因不仅是[详细]
2023-01-18 20:11 分类:问答Can't build and run an android test project created using "ant create test-project" when tested project has jars in libs directory
I have a module that builds an app called MyApp.I have another that builds some testcases for that app, called MyAppTests.They both build their own APKs, and they both work fine from within my IDE.I\'[详细]
2022-12-23 03:37 分类:问答