财政部评论区成“许愿池” 想交45%的个人所得税?
2024-02-17 07:27 分类:问答文财神爷摆放位置可以对着茶几吗?
万守权 2021-04-18 19:42开发者_C百科 可以对着茶几,不可以对着餐桌,否则视为不敬,要面朝里摆放,否则会送财出门。罗小微[详细]
2023-03-07 02:12 分类:问答Macro to improve callback registration readability
I\'m trying to write a macro to make a specific usage of callbacks in C++ easier. All my callbacks are member functions and will take this as first argument and a second one whose type inherits from a[详细]
2022-12-22 16:28 分类:问答