Sharekit Twitter Integration Broke in iOS 5
In previous iOS version开发者_Python百科s, using the Twitter functionality (with perfect.However, when I click submit to twitter, it posts, but doesn\'t remove the dialog.It sounds simila[详细]
2023-04-12 21:42 分类:问答Sharekit for Facebook (Graph API version) logout method not fully logging out or deauthorizing user
I am using Sharekit for Facebook sharing with the Facebook Graph API. I have tried to find the latest, most up to date code (troppoli on github seems pretty up-to-date).[详细]
2023-04-12 03:52 分类:问答iphone: facebook dialog appear and disappear right away using sharekit
I successfully integrate sharekit into my app. At first, I was able to have the facebook up and running, able to login, and publish it but problem was with the twitter was unable to post \"could not a[详细]
2023-04-11 21:48 分类:问答Do we have an update of ShareKit for iOS 5 which supports automatic reference counting?
I am trying to migrate my app which was initially developed in iOS 4.3 to iOS 5. All the third party code is being migrated with开发者_如何学Python Xcode\'s refactor tool. But it doesn\'t convert the[详细]
2023-04-11 02:17 分类:问答How can I add a specific email recipient to my sharekit item?
So, I\'开发者_StackOverflow中文版m using sharekit to share some text.I need to be able to send the email to a pre-defined recipient.How can I set the mail recipient to the sharekit item?Sharekit has n[详细]
2023-04-10 14:02 分类:问答Adding Logout Button to Share Screen in Facebook Connect for iPhone
I have been playing with Facebook Connect for iPhone, as well as ShareKit. Seems like Facebook Connect will work best for me for now (in case you were going to suggest Sharekit - just beating you to t[详细]
2023-04-07 14:09 分类:问答Don't want to tap twice to share message in Facebook using sharekit app?
I sharing message in Facebook by integrating sharekit in my iPh开发者_运维百科one application.I have written the method facebookButtonPressed which I am calling on tapping one button.[详细]
2023-04-06 06:12 分类:问答keyboard don't appear with facebook login
I have a problem with ShareKit. I\'m trying to post image and text to facebook, without using the share actionsheet; I use a bar button item; the associated action is[详细]
2023-04-05 16:36 分类:问答How to resolve error: "The post’s action links must be valid URLs"
Using the latest version of ShareKit to post URLs like so: [SHKFacebook shareURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@\"\"]];[详细]
2023-04-04 16:35 分类:问答Sharekit and Facebook URL sharing
I know there is a lot of these questions here, but Facebook seem to change their system now and then.[详细]
2023-04-04 06:27 分类:问答