c# lock and listen to CancellationToken
I want to use lock or a similar synchronization to prot开发者_如何学Cect a critical section. At the same time I want to listen to a CancellationToken.[详细]
2023-04-04 15:49 分类:问答When to dispose CancellationTokenSource?
The class CancellationTokenSource is disposable. A quick look in Reflector proves usage of KernelEvent, a (very likely) unmanaged resource.[详细]
2023-03-26 09:43 分类:问答Is it safe to register with CancellationToken.None?
Why is the following even legal? CancellationToken.None.Register(delegate { }); Why does, for example, Register not throw an exception here? Is it开发者_开发技巧 because the above amounts to a NOP?[详细]
2023-02-21 00:41 分类:问答What is "cancellationToken" in the TaskFactory.StartNew() used for? UPD: so, let\'s discuss this article then:[详细]
2023-01-15 12:27 分类:问答什刹海和南锣鼓巷哪个好玩?
qkoufu719533 2022-05-04 21:28 什刹海和南锣鼓巷,鼓楼和斜烟袋街离的很近。什刹海现在出名的是酒吧一条街,一到夜晚,灯红酒绿歌声飞扬,酒吧林立,青年人的夜生活才刚开始,喝着酒,听着歌。。而南锣鼓巷有着[详细]
2022-12-22 11:56 分类:问答