角色介绍(守墓者) 1.锦衣卫刘泰,锦衣卫指挥使。他和现在的九公主青梅竹马没有关系。都市陷落后,九公主被父亲杀害,刘泰带着九公主的遗体杀死皇宫,找到了自己的至交——风水师张天师,天师为九公主找到了绝好的风水[详细]
2023-01-14 17:06 分类:问答why do we add an application.config file for the connection string?? what is the purpose of this file
i want to know that why do we add an app.config file in c# projects for the connection string if our work is also access able by sim开发者_运维问答ple combining the command text and data adapter ..[详细]
2022-12-22 09:35 分类:问答