目录前言准备一:代码主体准备二:助手函数步骤一:字符串转二进制步骤二:追加数字 1步骤三:填充至 512 的倍数步骤四:追加原始长度信息步骤五:切分区块并填充至 2048 位步骤六:区块数据修改步骤七:压缩总结前言[详细]
2023-01-14 10:19 分类:开发Are there any concurrent algorithms that in use that work correctly without any synchronization?
All of the concurrent programs I\'ve seen or heard details of (admittedly a small set) at some point use hardware synchronization features, generally some form of compare-and-swap. The question is: ar[详细]
2022-12-22 07:38 分类:问答