How can I (at compile time) determine if a typename is a function pointer typename?
Consider the following wrapper around Win32\'s Runtime Dynamic Linking mechanism: #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>[详细]
2023-01-29 20:17 分类:问答How to declare a templated function with an optional compile-time parameter?
I want a function with this interface. func<Type1,CompileOption>( Type2 value) //or func<Type1>( Type2 value)[详细]
2023-01-29 06:59 分类:问答Compile-Time container of functors for controlling an algorithm?
Suppose i want something simple like the following: I have an core-algorithm, which randomly selects one of the specialized algorithms (specialized at compile-time) and process this algorithm. These[详细]
2023-01-24 07:47 分类:问答"too many template-parameter-lists" error when specializing a member function
I would like to define some template member methods inside a template class like so: template <typename T>[详细]
2023-01-14 07:51 分类:问答Nginx is sending proxy saved conent in gzip format
I used config given in this for page level caching of php content. The problem is that the cached page is saving in gzip format and it\'s r开发者_如何转开发eturning the same gzip content to browser.[详细]
2022-12-23 08:13 分类:问答涝疫结合是什么梗 涝疫结合梗出处?
2022-12-22 07:00 分类:问答