

  • WxWidgets using wxString

    I\'m taking a computer sc开发者_StackOverflow中文版iences class and we have to make a calculator using a GUI. I have been banging my head into a wall trying to even get input though.[详细]

    2023-01-28 09:47 分类:问答
  • wxString to UniChar*

    How to convert from w开发者_StackOverflow中文版xString to UniChar?You have to check the wxMBConv classes.[详细]

    2023-01-09 19:34 分类:问答
  • method with ref object parameter

    Hi i have to call a method that has this signature: int MethodName(ref object vIndexKey) If i try to call it with[详细]

    2022-12-21 02:55 分类:问答