I'd like to serialize an xml file into java objects
I have this xml file which i want to unmarchal it in a java object.I am using the MOXy JAXB library. test.xml[详细]
2023-01-10 07:34 分类:问答NPE Thrown Marshalling Entity in JAX-RS
I have a JAX-RS webservice that makes use of JPA entity classes.I have a resource class like this: @Path(\"/entity\")[详细]
2023-01-08 06:08 分类:问答汽车隔音棉多少钱啊?全车做隔音棉多少钱??
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卷卷日光 开发者_StackOverflow社区 2022-04-21 10:36 价格要看你到那里买,如果是屈臣氏我今天刚去看了5片装蜂蜜的非会员是99,会员是65,如果是微信上代购的话10片装一般要85左右,如果自己有朋友去香港的话,[详细]
2022-12-24 15:49 分类:问答微软车库安卓版Torque 2.0欲替代Google Now?
2022-12-20 18:09 分类:问答