popup confirm window with scrollbars
i have a button where i need the a confirm popup. this is like an agreement for the user to click Yes or NO.[详细]
2023-03-28 10:47 分类:问答how to get control inside ASP DetailsView through javasscript?
could anybody describe me how to find a control inside a ASP DetailsView using javascript? my requirement is to display a confirm box on a button\'s client click that checkbox is checked or not.[详细]
2023-02-20 08:02 分类:问答User Confirmation in MVP Pattern with Passive View
How would you handle calling a user confirmation dialog before continuing with a task in a web-based MVP pattern implementation? It\'ll have to do a postback in between and the confirmation would go o[详细]
2023-01-07 23:26 分类:问答锡回收多少钱一斤啊?锡多少钱一斤?一斤锡多少钱回收?锡多少钱一公斤??
纵花期将误 开发者_开发知识库 2022-05-16 05:29 锡多少钱一斤,跃翔锡业,告诉你回收废锡膏,废锡渣,锡条,锡线,废锡块饼,一斤锡的价格在60-123元/斤,具体还是要看含量,今天价格多少可以随时问问我,谢谢[详细]
2022-12-20 17:40 分类:问答