Setting visual state group from codebehind?
Just wondering how I can switch between visual states in a visual state group, like if I have: <SomeControl x:name=\"ControlName\">[详细]
2023-03-08 08:26 分类:问答Animating background color of border in Silverlight, State precedence in VisualStateGroups
This is a silverlight/XAML question. Not sure what I\'m doing wrong, this seems to throw an error: <ColorAnimation[详细]
2023-01-15 00:27 分类:问答VisualStateGroup Triggering Animation in Another VisualStateGroup
There\'s something fundamental about VisualStateGroups that I\'m not understanding. Everything I\'ve read has led me to believe that they are orthogonal. That is, a state change in one group won\'t af[详细]
2023-01-06 17:18 分类:问答What about the using construct in c#
I see this: using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(\"file.txt\")) { // d0 w0rk s0n } Everything I try to find info on is does not explain what this doing, and instead gives me stuff about 开发者[详细]
2022-12-25 07:43 分类:问答《三十而已》大结局,漫妮拒绝海王出国留学:赚钱比脱单更重要?
30岁是女人一生的分水岭。 身体上,胶原蛋白流失加快,身体状况大不如前,熬夜打不过年轻人,还有各种亲情。在职场上,或者开始遭受歧视,无论你是单身还是未婚,年龄是大还是小,都可能是晋升的障碍。[详细]
2022-12-24 11:54 分类:问答-
目录实践过程效果代码实践过程 效果 代码 public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1()[详细]
2022-12-20 10:51 分类:开发