2022-12-27 12:54 分类:问答nyromodal iframe size problem
I have a jquery gallery (galleriffic), which opened nyroModal and a good set size. I want to post pictures on this page (page open with nyromodal where is gallery).[详细]
2022-12-27 12:53 分类:问答Chained inequality notation in programming languages
Is there a programming language that supports chained notation a < b < c to be used instead of a < b and b < c in conditional statements?[详细]
2022-12-27 12:52 分类:问答急需长虹PDF270S家用投影机说明书!~~?
天道酬勤3NM 2022-03-28 05:44 在网上找了一圈没有,之找到以下信息这里所有的答案几乎全是来自百度,如果百度找不到的话 这里就没人能答了长虹 PDF270S 家用投影机之性能规格参数::光学规格:: 家用投影机类型:[详细]
2022-12-27 08:13 分类:问答How to get interpolated message in NHibernate.Validator
I\'m trying to integrate NHibernate.Validator with ASP.NET MVC client side validations, and the only problem I found is that I simply can\'t convert the non-interpolated message to a human-readable on[详细]
2022-12-27 03:00 分类:问答RowsDeleting event doesn't fire
I have a gridview with a onrowdeleting=\"SellersGridView_RowsDeleting\" switch. My method is: protected void SellersGridView_RowsDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)[详细]
2022-12-26 21:33 分类:问答Iframe vs dynamically loading web user controls
I need some advice on techniques to perform page redirect in asp.net. Which one is more recommended to use in asp.net?[详细]
2022-12-26 20:41 分类:问答Is it possible to programmatically control c# health monitoring without using the web.config file?
I have developed my own custom provider for the health monitoring; however, I use parameters in the constructor and this is not allowed when using the health monitoring from the web.config file.[详细]
2022-12-26 18:04 分类:问答