C++ DLL creation for C# project - No functions exported
I am working on a project that requires some image processing. The front end of the program is C# (cause the guys thought it is a lot simpler to make the UI in it). However, as the image processing pa[详细]
2022-12-23 13:00 分类:问答太阳表面生存着等离子体生命吗?有何依据??
newlaputa 2022-05-19 19:37 众所周知,生命有几个特征,能够自我复制、能够交流信息、能够新陈代谢、能够生长。绝大多数生物学家都认为,生命起源于一台复杂而漫长的化学过程。由一些简单分子合成氨基酸,再合[详细]
2022-12-20 03:04 分类:问答