

  • 神墓有后续吗?

    ty_134637353 2022-01-09 21:41 要说的话,《长生界》算是神墓的后续了,虽然开发者_JS百科联系不是很明显辰东的最新小说《遮天》看了么,虽然说没明确说明是后续,但是可以看到和神墓、长生界隐约有关联lenov[详细]

    2023-01-05 14:07 分类:问答
  • Why does crypt/blowfish generate the same hash with two different salts?

    This question has to do with PHP\'s implementation of crypt().For this question, the first 7 characters of the salt are not counted, so a salt \'$2a$07$a\' would be said to have a length of 1, as it i[详细]

    2022-12-20 01:31 分类:问答