Spring Boot读取配置文件内容的3种方式(@Value、Environment和@ConfigurationProperties)
目录前言一、@Value二、Environment2.1 注入对象2.2 调用获取属性的方法2.3 上述两种方法对比三、@ConfigurationProperties3.1 创建一个实体类3.2 解决警告问题3.3 修改@ConfigurationProperties3.4 编写测试代码总结[详细]
2023-01-05 10:37 分类:开发 64 bit negative integers in two's complement form
I was reading the source of GNU PDF library, particularly their implementation of 64 bit integers. They have defined 64 bit integers as structs of two 32 bit integers - the higher order int is signed[详细]
2022-12-19 23:34 分类:问答