wingsch#p#古怪小子# 19小时前 是1:2:1流离明哥 19小时前 想学好科学其实很简单,课前预习,课后复习,然后把语文多记多背背几篇古文,因为在期末闭卷,他肯定是有文言文的数学就做一个知识点从网上抄来的[详细]
2024-09-29 07:40 分类:问答硝酸钾进口报关税率费用多少??
梨波儿 2022-01-22 09:53 开发者_Go百科硝酸钾初步归类,28342190.00,增值税为17%,普通税为30%。进口关税=完税价格×关税税率[详细]
2023-01-03 18:36 分类:问答HowTo: iPhone Web Service call to WCF Service with Certificate Authentication
We are a .Net shop currently developing a iPhone app that requires the app to call a WCF web service.Our WCF Services are secured with a x509 certificate for authentication purposes.[详细]
2022-12-19 12:50 分类:问答