

  • 长颈鹿长微博生成器?

    《长微博》通过文字转图片技术,超越微博140字限制。 【主要功能】 1. 编辑器中可输入文本或插入图片。 2. 编辑器中的内容可转换为一张图片 3. 点击编辑器中图片后可以对图片涂鸦 4. 在编辑器中仅输入一个URL时,将U[详细]

    2023-01-03 18:12 分类:问答
  • Coming from a class diagram to a dialog window

    I have a class diagram (\"Customer\") with some private and public attributes as well as some operations. Now I want to model a dialog (GUI) for editing this customer. The window represents the class[详细]

    2022-12-27 12:06 分类:问答
  • Raw javascript instead of jquery (example follows)

    this is my first question here. I have the following jquery code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(\"a\").click(function(){[详细]

    2022-12-19 12:44 分类:问答