Ipad ModalView rotation problem
I created a UISplitView, after the splitView is load in landscape mode, I display a modalView using the presentModalView, my problem is that the modalView is always in portrait mode, can\'t find the s[详细]
2023-02-06 14:51 分类:问答presenting viewController after contact has been selected in peoplePickerNavigationController?
I am having a little problem - (BTW i have looked on How can I present a modal view controller after selecting a contact?[详细]
2023-02-06 10:19 分类:问答iPhone: How to do a presentModalViewController animation from left to right
I am presenting a model view with animation. As a default it comes from bottom to top. How can I make 开发者_StackOverflowthe animation to go from left to right? I know I could use a navigation contro[详细]
2023-02-01 22:16 分类:问答UISplitViewController And ModalView
I\'d like to know simply if it is possible to present a modal view controller in an iPad application that is using the UISplitView Controller.[详细]
2023-01-31 10:43 分类:问答presentModalViewControllver over a modalViewController works only once
For sake of simplicity I have 3 UIViewControllers named, vc0, vc1, vc2. My Flow of operations is a button in vc0 calls[详细]
2023-01-28 14:16 分类:问答How to implement a Modal View in a TabBar iOS app
I am trying to present a modal view in a tabbar app. I am using the code - (IBAction)newView { 开发者_StackOverflow [self.viewController presentModalViewController:viewController[详细]
2023-01-22 12:49 分类:问答uiview like actionsheet
Is it possible to show uiview like actionsheet on presentmodalviewcontroller(i.e. that is uiview should go top开发者_C百科 but it should not go fully and it should be half) so that i view the last vie[详细]
2023-01-19 14:08 分类:问答In photoscroller app (iPhone WWDC-104 Photos App) uiscrollview images shift to right when called using presentModalviewController
I have seen the WWDC-104 video showing UIScrollView for photos. I have downloaded the Sample code too.[详细]
2023-01-19 02:21 分类:问答Showing pushviewcontroller animation look like presentModalViewController
Is it possible to show pushViewController animation look like presentModalViewController but that has background functionality of pushViewCon开发者_如何学Ctroller?If you want to a fade animation, this[详细]
2023-01-18 20:41 分类:问答Using multiple ModalViewController
Starting a new thread... about same question.. I have tried all I am getting from different post and forums... none of the working for me..[详细]
2023-01-18 03:36 分类:问答