In OpenRasta, how do I configure a URI where I get "the remainder of the path" as a single string?
Normally in OpenRasta there is some configuration like this: ResourceSpace.Has.ResourcesOfType<Customers>()[详细]
2022-12-28 03:28 分类:问答黑龙江生态工程职业学院2021年高职扩招招生简章?
2022-12-27 18:54 分类:问答Referencing dlls built with older .Net versions
In a project using .Net4 - should there be any issues referencing dlls built for older versions of .Net? We\'re talking 3rd Party dlls here.[详细]
2022-12-27 18:12 分类:问答download file exception handling
In my application I download several critical files froma server, and I want to write some code that handles the case where the a file download didn\'t complete for a reason or other ,to retry downloa[详细]
2022-12-27 17:44 分类:问答铁树开花的下一句是什么啊??
298****788 2022-03-25 12:12开发者_开发问答 铁树开花 —— 千载难逢。 解释: 铁树是一种裸子植物,分布在亚洲东部及东南部、大洋洲及马达加斯加等热带、亚热带地区。它的生命力极强,喜肥沃湿润和微酸[详细]
2022-12-27 17:37 分类:问答蒜香培根蛋炒饭的做法?
2022-12-27 17:07 分类:问答Where is the best place to store globals in Rails app?
I was wondering if there is the best practice on where to store global settings in a rails app. What I mean by that is i.e: I have a few globals defined that may change, but not likely and it seems in[详细]
2022-12-27 16:27 分类:问答Filtering code elements when analyzing source code
Currently I am making a survey about source code analysis and the thing that puzzles me greatly is what is it that project managers and developers would like to filter when analyzing s开发者_StackOver[详细]
2022-12-27 15:23 分类:问答Make Sphinx generate RST class documentation from pydoc
I\'m currently migrating all existing (incomplete) documentation to Sphinx. The problem is that the documentation uses Python docstrings (the module is written in C, but it probably does not matter)[详细]
2022-12-27 15:13 分类:问答问道手游探案人口失踪攻略?
暖冬冷雨79 2022-03-26 09:19 开发者_C百科 操作方法01问道手游有新任务啦,要求大家寻找失踪的桃花姑娘,并且要将桃花姑娘解救出来,根据案卷给出的线索来看,我们按照这个攻略进行即可。02首先登录问道手游,[详细]
2022-12-27 15:00 分类:问答