ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file ...jboss/lib/endorsed/._resolver.jar
When starting my JBoss using bin/run.sh I immediately get this error: Error occurred during initialization of VM[详细]
2023-04-12 10:24 分类:问答Can getResourceAsStream() find files outside the jar file?
I\'m developing an application that uses a library that loads a configuration file as: InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource);[详细]
2023-04-12 06:03 分类:问答Java resources after export project
I\'ve done a java aplication that have some images as resources like this: ->src ->resources ->images For accessing this resources i\'ve used getClass().getResource(\"/resources/images/img.jpg\"),[详细]
2023-04-12 02:19 分类:问答sikuli: how to execute java jar file
I loaded a java jar file into 开发者_StackOverflow社区http://www.sikuli.org/ and tried to run it like this but it is not working. Any hints?[详细]
2023-04-11 19:29 分类:问答Air NativeProcess java
I want to interact with a .jar-file in my AIR-project. I am using the NativeProcess feature in AIR2 for this, but it seems like I can\'t just define \'myJavaFile.jar\' as the executable.[详细]
2023-04-11 19:12 分类:问答Exporting Java with VM arguments (or alternative)
I\'m looking for a way to export a JOGL program that I wrote. Currently, I am referencing four JAR files with a user library, and I specify -Djava.library.path=/lib as a VM argument. The /lib folder c[详细]
2023-04-11 17:51 分类:问答Java - How to access an image packed in an applet jar
I have created an applet jar. That jar contains an images in the following folder com\\common\\images\\red.bmp[详细]
2023-04-11 14:35 分类:问答executing jar file: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
I have created a maven project. After I type: mvn clean package everything works fine and I see my jar file inside target. But if I click the file I get the follwing error message:[详细]
2023-04-11 13:35 分类:问答Rebuild .jar library from source files
Hey guys I have a simple question. I downloaded and used the jml library to make my own messenger. This all worked until I decided to make an Android version of it. It appe开发者_Go百科ared that I ha[详细]
2023-04-11 07:45 分类:问答Conventions for additional content of the manifest.mf file?
Are there any conventions for the MANIFEST.MF file in a Java JAR beyond the JAR specification? Interesting information I might want to include are: Build date and other build information, SVN Revision[详细]
2023-04-11 06:39 分类:问答