Why don't the User accounts created in my app remember the Role selected for them on sign up?
Hopefully someone can help me on this one, it\'s absolutely driving me crazy! Basically, I have created an Authentication system on my app, using Devise and CanCan, which works fine. The problem aris[详细]
2023-03-19 10:38 分类:问答Rails 3 advice: Create new Admin User class or use CanCan?
I\'ve got a rails 3 app in beta right now that uses Devise for authentication for users, and need some advice. I want to add an admin-user that has some additional abilities, but I will be the only ad[详细]
2023-03-18 08:40 分类:问答Best Method Cancan With Many Roles
Looking for some general advice and tips about using cancan on our latest rails3 project. We\'re building an ordering system which we use internally and provide restricted client access. These includ[详细]
2023-03-14 11:43 分类:问答Should I use an authorization gem for this or a simple before_filter method instead?
I have two types of users: user and editor. I have a User model with the boolean column is_editor to determine if a user is an editor.[详细]
2023-03-13 17:32 分类:问答Rspec 2 + Devise + Cancan - Factorygirl = Controller Testing not working
I\'m trying to move to rspec for testing, but I can\'t get controller testing to work with user authentication.Testing a route that doesn\'t require a user works.[详细]
2023-03-13 09:40 分类:问答CanCan Separate Role Model
I\'ve been following this guide on 开发者_运维百科the Separate Role Model implementation in CanCan. When a User, tries to sign up this error is thrown when creating the Assignment.[详细]
2023-03-12 23:48 分类:问答Java authorization library like "CanCan" for Ruby on Rails
Everyone I was wondering if anyone knows of any Java libraries 开发者_开发百科that are similar to or offer the same functionality as CanCan (Ruby on Rails). Would love to know your experiences with th[详细]
2023-03-12 17:42 分类:问答How can I use cancan to stop a user from editing other users profiles?
How can I set an ability to allow a user to only edit their own profile? The edit link is placed in their own show page like so:[详细]
2023-03-12 09:35 分类:问答Rails 3, Cancan, Multiple model searching with accessible_by
I have an issue where I\'m using cancan\'s accessible_by to return authorized Announcements, Resources, etc (based on a subject_id for a specific announcement, resource, etc). I would like to be able[详细]
2023-03-12 04:47 分类:问答How can I allow a user to only update reviews they have written using cancan?
I\'ve been following through Ryan Bates\' railscast on using cancan but am stumped as to why checking whether a user has written a review and then allowing them to edit it if they have, wont work for[详细]
2023-03-11 00:27 分类:问答