Emacsclient hook on kill
I am trying to find a hook in Emacs, which should fire right before emacs se开发者_开发技巧rver graceful shutdown.[详细]
2023-01-16 09:26 分类:问答How to Kill Java Process in Windows, WITHOUT killing javaw.exe?
I have an external Windows .exe that is actually Java application: Running the .exe starts javaw.exe, which in turn runs that Java application.[详细]
2023-01-16 01:29 分类:问答The bizarre case of the file that both is and isn’t there
In .Net 3.5, I have the following code. If File.Exists(sFilePath & IndexFileName & \".NX\") Then[详细]
2023-01-15 21:49 分类:问答Why is there no uncatchable coredump signal?
I recently came across an app that froze in a SIGABRT handler with no other signal registered to immediately core dump.Until we standardize leaving one of SIGSTOP, SIGABRT, SIGTRAP, etc., alone, we\'l[详细]
2023-01-15 10:01 分类:问答kill application after crash
I haven\'t manageall errors on my application anymore. So I would like to know if it is possible to Kill the entire app when it crashes?[详细]
2023-01-14 02:23 分类:问答first process of python popen pipe can't be killed
I am using this code p1 = Popen([\'rtmpdump\'] + cmd_args.split(\' \'), stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(player_cmd.split(\' \'), 开发者_如何学编程stdin=p1.stdout, stderr=PIPE)[详细]
2023-01-11 03:40 分类:问答"Gracefully" killing a process
Right now I am using Process.Kill开发者_运维知识库() to kill a process. Is there a way though, instead of just killing it immediately, that I can like send a message to the process instructing it to c[详细]
2023-01-10 12:56 分类:问答谁来拯救我,KILL ME HEAL ME??
孙文耀 开发者_StackOverflow中文版 2021-12-14 20:02 快来人啊!让这个世界充满爱老衲是吃货[详细]
2023-01-09 13:44 分类:问答C# Windows Form Killed By Task Manager...Is There a Way to Run Shutdown Function?
I doubt this is even possible. So 开发者_JAVA百科your app is running and user decides to End Process via Task Manager. Is there a method/action to save data during process.kill? I doubt there is but I[详细]
2023-01-08 22:36 分类:问答PHP - child process blocking SIGTERM for parent
I\'m having problems with killing parent process that have 1 child - parent is waiting for child to exit and only after that kill handler is 开发者_如何学JAVAcalled. When the kill handler is not insta[详细]
2023-01-07 23:11 分类:问答