- 1.使用Gilde显示一张图片
- 2.Glide with操作源码解析
- 3.Glide 的load操作
- 4.Glide的into流程解析
- 5.Glide
Glide.with(this). load("https://cn.bing.com/sa/simg/hpb/xxx.jpg") .into(imageView);
2.Glide with操作源码解析
public static RequestManager with(@NonNull Activity activity) { return getRetriever(activity).get(activity); }
private static RequestManagerRetriever getRetriever(@Nullable Context context) { Preconditions.checkNotNull( context, "You cannot start a load on a not yet attached View or a Fragment where getActivity() " + "returns null (which usually occurs when getActivity() is called before the Fragment " + "is attached or after the Fragment is destroyed)."); return Glide.get(context).getRequestManagerRetriever(); }
public RequestManager get(@NonNull Context context) { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot start a load on a null Context"); } else if (Util.isOnMainThread() && !(context instanceof Application)) { if (context instanceof FragmentActivity) { return get((FragmentActivity) context); } else if (context instanceof Activity) { return get((Activity) context); } else if (context instanceof ContextWrapper // Only unwrap a ContextWrapper if the baseContext has a non-null application context. // Context#createPackageContext may return a Context without an Application instance, // in which case a ContextWrapper may be used to attach one. && ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext().getApplicationContext() != null) { return get(((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext()); } } return getApplicationManager(context); }
public RequestManager get(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity) { if (Util.isOnBackgroundThread()) { return get(activity.getApplicationContext()); } else { assertNotDestroyed(activity); frameWaiter.registerSelf(activity); FragmentManager fm = activity.getSupportFragmentManager(); return supportFragmentGet(activity, fm, /*parentHint=*/ null, isActivityVisible(activity)); } }
private RequestManager supportFragmentGet( @NonNull Context context, @NonNull FragmentManager fm, @Nullable Fragment parentHint, boolean isParentVisible) { SupportRequestManagerFragment current = getSupportRequestManagerFragment(fm, parentHint); RequestManager requestManager = current.getRequestManager(); if (requestManager == null) { // TODO(b/27524013): Factor out this Glide.get() call. Glide glide = Glide.get(context); requestManager = factory.build( glide, current.getGlideLifecycle(), current.getRequestManagerTreeNode(), context); // This is a开发者_JAVA开发 bit of hack, we're going to start the RequestManager, but not the // corresponding Lifecycle. It's safe to start the RequestManager, but starting the // Lifecycle might trigger memory leaks. See b/154405040 if (isParentVisible) { requestManager.onStart(); } current.setRequestManager(requestManager); } return requestManager; }
get函数参数是:ApplicationContext 的源码
private RequestManager getApplicationManager(@NonNull Context context) { // Either an application context or we're on a background thread. if (applicationManager == null) { synchronized (this) { if (applicationManager == null) { Glide glide = Glide.get(context.getApplicationContext()); applicationManager = factory.build( glide, new ApplicationLifecycle(), new EmptyRequestManagerTreeNode(), context.getApplicationContext()); } } } return applicationManager; }
public synchronized void onStart() { resumeRequests(); targetTracker.onStart(); }
RequestTracker 的resumeRequests方法
public void resumeRequests() { isPaused = false; for (Request request : Util.getSnapshot(requests)) { if (!request.isComplete() && !request.isRunning()) { request.begin(); } } pendingRequests.clear(); }
public synchronized void onStop() { pauseRequests(); targetTracker.onStop(); }
public void pauseRequests() { isPaused = true; for (Request request : Util.getSnapshot(requests)) { if (request.isRunning()) { request.pause(); pendingRequests.add(request); } } }
public synchronized void onDestroy() { targetTracker.onDestroy(); for (Target<?> target : targetTracker.getAll()) { clear(target); } targetTracker.clear(); requestTracker.clearRequests(); lifecycle.removeListener(this); lifecycle.removeListener(connectivityMonitor); Util.removeCallbacksOnUiThread(addSelfToLifecycle); glide.unregisterRequestManager(this); }
3.Glide 的load操作
public RequestBuilder<Drawable> load(@Nullable Bitmap bitmap) { return asDrawable().load(bitmap); } public RequestBuilder<Drawable> asDrawable() { return as(Drawable.class); } public <ResourceType> RequestBuilder<ResourceType> as( @NonNull Class<ResourceType> resourceClass) { return new RequestBuilder<>(glide, this, resourceClass, context); }
protected RequestBuilder( @NonNull Glide glide, RequestManager requestManager, Class<TranscodeType> transcodeClass, Context context) { this.glide = glide; this.requestManager = requestManager; this.transcodeClass = transcodeClass; this.context = context; this.transitionOptions = requestManager.getDefaultTransitionOptions(transcodeClass); this.glideContext = glide.getGlideContext(); initRequestListeners(requestManager.getDefaultRequestListeners()); apply(requestManager.getDefaultRequestOptions()); }
public <Y extends Target<TranscodeType>> Y into(@NonNull Y target) { return into(target, /*targetListener=*/ null, Executors.mainThreadExecutor()); } <Y extends Target<TranscodeTypphpe>> Y into( @NonNull Y target, @Nullable RequestListener<TranscodeType> targetListener, Executor callbackExecutor) { return into(target, targetListener, /*options=*/ this, callbackExecutor); }
private <Y extends Target<TranscodeType>> Y into( @NonNull Y target, @Nullable RequestListener<TranscodeType> targetListener, BaseRequestOptions<?> options, Executor callbackExecutor) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(target); if (!isModelSet) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must call #load() before calling #into()"); } Request request = buildRequest(target, targetListener, options, callbackExecutor); Request previous = target.getRequest(); if (request.isEquivalentTo(previous) && !isSkipMemoryCacheWithCompletePreviousRequest(options, previous)) { if (!Preconditions.checkNotNull(previous).isRunning()) { previous.begin(); } return target; } requestManager.clear(target); target.setRequest(request); requestManager.track(target, request); return target; }
buildRequest 会通过SingleRequest.obtain,创建一个SingleRequest,这个必须要前置了解,后边的流程需要用到。
requestManager.track(target, request):这个是主流程,下面来看RequestManager的track方法
synchronized void track(@NonNull Target<?> target, @NonNull Request request) { targetTracker.track(target); requestTracker.runRequest(request); }
public void runRequest(@NonNull Request request) { requests.add(request); if (!isPaused) { request.begin(); } else { request.clear(); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "Paused, delaying request"); } pendingRequests.add(request); } }
public void begin() { synchronized (requestLock) { ... if (status == Status.COMPLETE) { onResourceReady( resource, DataSource.MEMORY_CACHE, /* isLoadedFromAlternateCacheKey= */ false); return; } cookie = GlideTrace.beginSectionAsync(TAG); status = Status.WAITING_FOR_SIZE; if (Util.isValidDimensions(overrideWidth, overrideHeight)) { onSizeReady(overrideWidth, overrideHeight); } else { target.getSize(this); } if ((status == Status.RUNNING || status == Status.WAITING_FOR_SIZE) && canNotifyStatusChanged()) { target.onLoadStarted(getPlaceholderDrawable()); } if (IS_VERBOSE_LOGGABLE) { logV("finished run method in " + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(startTime)); } } }
如果没有设置宽高会调用 target.getSize(this)来获取大小,如果设置了会执行onSizeReady方法
public void onSizeReady(int width, int height) { stateVerifier.throwIfRecycled(); synchronized (requestLock) { if (IS_VERBOSE_LOGGABLE) { logV("Got onSizeReady in " + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(startTime)); } if (status != Status.WAITING_FOR_SIZE) { return; } status = Status.RUNNING; float sizeMultiplier = requestOptions.getSizeMultiplier(); this.width = maybeApplySizeMultiplier(width, sizeMultiplier); this.height = maybeApplySizeMultiplier(height, sizeMultiplier); if (IS_VERBOSE_LOGGABLE) { logV("finished setup for calling loa编程d in " + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(startTime)); } loadStatus = engine.load( glideContext, model, requestOptions.getSignature(), this.width, this.height, requestOptions.getResourceClass(), transcodeClass, priority, requestOptions.getDiskCacheStrategy(), requestOptions.getTransformations(), requestOptions.isTransformationRequired(), requestOptions.isScaleOnlyOrNoTransform(), requestOptions.getOptions(), requestOptions.isMemoryCacheable(), requestOptions.getUseUnlimitedSourceGeneratorsPool(), requestOptions.getUseAnimationPool(), requestOptions.getOnlyRetrieveFromCache(), this, callbackExecutor); if (status != Status.RUNNING) { loadStatus = null; } if (IS_VERBOSE_LOGGABLE) { logV("finished onSizeReady in " + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(startTime)); } } }
public <R> LoadStatus load( GlideContext glideContext, Object model, Key signature, int width, int height, Class<?> resourceClass, Class<R> transcodeClass, Priority priority, DiskCacheStrategy diskCacheStrategy, Map<Class<?>, Transformation<?>> transformations, boolean isTransformationRequired, boolean isScaleOnlyOrNoTransform, Options options, boolean isMemoryCacheable, boolean useUnlimitedSourceExecutorPool, boolean useAnimationPool, boolean onlyRetrieveFromCache, ResourceCallback cb, Executor callbackExecutor) { long startTime = VERBOSE_IS_LOGGABLE ? LogTime.getLogTime() : 0; EngineKey key = keyFactory.buildKey( model, signature, http://www.devze.com width, height, transformations, resourceClass, transcodeClass, options); EngineResource<?> memoryResource; synchronized (this) { memoryResource = loadFromMemory(key, isMemoryCacheable, startTime); if (memoryResource == null) { return waitForExistingOrStartNewJob( glideContext, model, signature, width, height, resourceClass, transcodeClass, priority, diskCacheStrategy, transformations, isTransformationRequired, isScaleOnlyOrNoTransform, options, isMemoryCacheable, useUnlimitedSourceExecutorPool, useAnimationPool, onlyRetrieveFromCache, cb, callbackExecutor, key, startTime); } } // Avoid calling back while holding the engine lock, doing so makes it easier for callers to // deadlock. cb.onResourceReady( memoryResource, DataSource.MEMORY_CACHE, /* isLoadedFromAlternateCacheKey= */ false); return null; }
@Nullable private EngineResource<?> loadFromMemory( EngineKey key, boolean isMemoryCacheable, long startTime) { if (!isMemoryCacheable) { return null; } EngineResource<?> active = loadFroMACtiveResources(key); if (active != null) { if (VERBOSE_IS_LOGGABLE) { logWithTimeAndKey("Loaded resource from active resources", startTime, key); } return active; } EngineResource<?> cached = loadFromCache(key); if (cached != null) { if (VERBOSE_IS_LOGGABLE) { logWithTimeAndKey("Loaded resource from cache", startTime, key); } return cached; } return null; }
private <R> LoadStatus waitForExistingOrStartNewJob( GlideContext glideContext, Object model, Key signature, int width, int height, Class<?> resourceClass, Class<R> transcodeClass, Priority priority, DiskCacheStrategy diskCacheStrategy, Map<Class<?>, Transformation<?>> transformations, boolean isTransformationRequired, boolean isScaleOnlyOrNoTransform, Options options, boolean isMemoryCacheable, boolean useUnlimitedSourceExecutorPool, boolean useAnimationPool, boolean onlyRetrieveFromCache, ResourceCallback cb, Executor callbackExecutor, EngineKey key, long startTime) { EngineJob<?> current = jobs.get(key, onlyRetrieveFromCache); if (current != null) { current.addCallback(cb, callbackExecutor); if (VERBOSE_IS_LOGGABLE) { logWithTimeAndKey("Added to existing load", startTime, key); 编程 } return new LoadStatus(cb, current); } EngineJob<R> engineJob = //这个是线程池的管理者这个里边存着各个管理 engineJobFactory.build( key, isMemoryCacheable, useUnlimitedSourceExecutorPool, useAnimationPool, onlyRetrieveFromCache); DecodeJob<R> decodeJob = //这个是具体的任务 decodeJobFactory.build( glideContext, model, key, signature, width, height, resourceClass, transcodeClass, priority, diskCacheStrategy, transformations, isTransformationRequired, isScaleOnlyOrNoTransform, onlyRetrieveFromCache, options, engineJob); jobs.put(key, engineJob); engineJob.addCallback(cb, callbackExecutor); engineJob.start(decodeJob); if (VERBOSE_IS_LOGGABLE) { logWithTimeAndKey("Started new load", startTime, key); } return new LoadStatus(cb, engineJob); }
engineJob 管理一个线程池,decodeJob这个是任务的抽象是一个Runable,所以下面就会执行任务的run方法
public void run() { ... try { if (isCancelled) { notifyFailed(); return; } runWrapped(); } catch (CallbackException e) { // If a callback not controlled by Glide throws an exception, we should avoid the Glide // specific debug logic below. throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { .. } finally { // Keeping track of the fetcher here and calling cleanup is excessively paranoid, we call // close in all cases anyway. if (localFetcher != null) { localFetcher.cleanup(); } GlideTrace.endSection(); } }
private void runWrapped() { switch (runReason) { case INITIALIZE: stage = getNextStage(Stage.INITIALIZE); currentGenerator = getNextGenerator(); runGenerators(); break; case SWITCH_TO_SOURCE_SERVICE: runGenerators(); break; case DECODE_DATA: decodeFromRetrievedData(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized run reason: " + runReason); } }
默认会执行case INITIALIZE的runGenerators(),getNextGenerator得到的是SourceGenerator,这个必须要明确,否则走不下去。
public boolean startNext() { ... if (sourceCacheGenerator != null && sourceCacheGenerator.startNext()) { return true; } sourceCacheGenerator = null; loadData = null; boolean started = false; while (!started && hasNextModelLoader()) { loadData = helper.getLoadData().get(loadDataListIndex++); if (loadData != null && (helper.getDiskCacheStrategy().isDataCacheable(loadData.fetcher.getDataSource()) || helper.hasLoadPath(loadData.fetcher.getDataClass()))) { started = true; startNextLoad(loadData); } } return started; }
List<LoadData<?>> getLoadData() { if (!isLoadDataSet) { isLoadDataSet = true; loadData.clear(); List<ModelLoader<Object, ?>> modelLoaders = glideContext.getRegistry().getModelLoaders(model); //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach to improve perf for (int i = 0, size = modelLoaders.size(); i < size; i++) { ModelLoader<Object, ?> modelLoader = modelLoaders.get(i); LoadData<?> current = modelLoader.buildLoadData(model, width, height, options); if (current != null) { loadData.add(current); } } } return loadData; }
public LoadData<InputStream> buildLoadData( @NonNull GlideUrl model, int width, int height, @NonNull Options options) { // GlideUrls memoize parsed URLs so caching them saves a few object instantiations and time // spent parsing urls. GlideUrl url = model; if (modelCache != null) { url = modelCache.get(model, 0, 0); if (url == null) { modelCache.put(model, 0, 0, model); url = model; } } int timeout = options.get(TIMEOUT); return new LoadData<>(url, new HttpUrlFetcher(url, timeout)); }
private void startNextLoad(final LoadData<?> toStart) { loadData.fetcher.loadData( helper.getPriority(), new DataCallback<Object>() { @Override public void onDataReady(@Nullable Object data) { if (isCurrentRequest(toStart)) { onDataReadyInternal(toStart, data); } } @Override public void onLoadFailed(@NonNull Exception e) { if (isCurrentRequest(toStart)) { onLoadFailedInternal(toStart, e); } } }); }
public void loadData( @NonNull Priority priority, @NonNull DataCallback<? super InputStream> callback) { long startTime = LogTime.getLogTime(); try { InputStream result = loadDataWithRedirects(glideUrl.toURL(), 0, null, glideUrl.getHeaders()); callback.onDataReady(result); } catch (IOException e) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to load data for url", e); } callback.onLoadFailed(e); } finally { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "Finished http url fetcher fetch in " + LogTime.getElapsedMillis(startTime)); } } }
private InputStream loadDataWithRedirects( URL url, int redirects, URL lastUrl, Map<String, String> headers) throws HttpException { if (redirects >= MAXIMUM_REDIRECTS) { throw new HttpException( "Too many (> " + MAXIMUM_REDIRECTS + ") redirects!", INVALID_STATUS_CODE); } else { // Comparing the URLs using .equals performs additional network I/O and is generally broken. // See http://michaelscharf.blogspot.com/2006/11/Javaneturlequals-and-hashcode-make.html. try { if (lastUrl != null && url.toURI().equals(lastUrl.toURI())) { throw new HttpException("In re-direct loop", INVALID_STATUS_CODE); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // Do nothing, this is best effort. } } urlConnection = buildAndConfigureConnection(url, headers); try { // Connect explicitly to avoid errors in decoders if connection fails. urlConnection.connect(); // Set the stream so that it's closed in cleanup to avoid resource leaks. See #2352. stream = urlConnection.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HttpException( "Failed to connect or obtain data", getHttpStatusCodeOrInvalid(urlConnection), e); } ... }
声明周期和缓存总结 Glide 调用with函数如果传入的ApplicationContext或者在子线程不会为我们创建空白的Fragment,不会进行生命周期的监控,也就不会进行资源自动释放,所以不用传ApplicationContext。其他情况glide会自动创建空白的Fragment来进行生命周期监控,并自动进行资源释放。
- 活动缓存,是一个Map集合,加载图片会首先从这个缓存里边查找。
- 内存缓存,是一个LRU缓存集合,如果获取缓存没有就从内存缓存查找。
- 磁盘缓存,是disklrucache缓存集合,如果从内存缓存没有找到就从磁盘缓存查找。
- 网络缓存,如果磁盘缓存没有就需要从网络上就行请求加载了。
到此这篇关于android图片加载框架Gilde源码层深入分析的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Android Gilde内容请搜索我们以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持我们!