- 1/ 排雷避坑
- 中文乱码问题
- 2/ 数据来源
- 3/ 正则处理
- 4/ 电脑壁纸
- 单线程单页
- 单线程多page
- 多线程多页
- 5/ 手机壁纸
- 单线程单页0
- 单线程单页1
- 单线程单页
- 单线程多页
- 多线程多页
1/ 排雷避坑
<meta charset="gbk" />
法一:response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding # 自动转码, 防止中文乱码 print(response.text)
2/ 数据来源
for li in lis: href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('b::text').get() print(href, title)
3/ 正则处理
通过匹配非数字字符并在遇到数字时截断字符串title1 = selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(title)').get() modified_title = re.split(r'\d', title1, 1)[0].strip()
re.split(r'\d', title, 1)
将 title 字符串按第一个数字进行分割。返回的列表的第一个元素就是数字前面的部分。strip()
例如 https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html
转换为 https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901.html
# https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html url = "https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html" pattern = r'https://sj\.zol\.com\.cn/bizhi/detail_(\d+)_\d+\.html' replacement = r'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_\1.html' new_url = re.sub(pattern, replacement, url) print(url,new_url)
4/ 电脑壁纸
# python单线程爬取高清4k壁纸图片 import os import re import requests import parsel url = 'https://pic.netbian.com/4kmeinv/' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} # response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) # response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding # 自动转码, 防止中文乱码 # print(response.text) html_data = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') # print(html_data) selector = parsel.Selector(html_data) lis = selector.css('.slist li') for li in lis: #href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('b::text').get() if title: href = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() response = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) #print(href, title) # 这里只是获取页面 # img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content # 不可行, 都是同一张图 https://pic.netbian.com/uploads/allimg/230813/221347-16919360273e05.jpg href = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1) # 若要标题乱码,此处可不解码 # response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) # selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1.text) # img_url = selector1.css('.slist li img::attr(src)').get() # 这一步错了, 要去href页面找img_url, 这是在原来的url页面找了 img_url = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(src)').get() img_content = requests.get(url=img_url,headers=headers).content # 顺便更新一下title, 因为原来的是半截的, 不全 title1 = selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(title)').get() modified_title = re.split(r'\d', title1, 1)[0].strip() with open('img\\'+modified_title+'.jpg',mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) #print(href, title) print('正在保存:', modified_title, img_url)
# python单线程爬取高清4k壁纸图片 import os import re import time import requests import parsel # url的规律 # https://pic.netbian.com/new/index.html # https://pic.netbian.com/new/index_1.html # https://pic.netbian.com/new/index_2.html # ... start_time = time.time() for page in range(2,10): print(f'--------- 正在爬取第{page}的内容 ----------') url = f'https://pic.netbian.com/4kmeinv/index_{page}.html' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} # response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) # response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding # 自动转码, 防止中文乱码 # print(response.text) html_data = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') # print(html_data) selector = parsel.Selector(html_data) lis = selector.css('.slist li') for li in lis: # href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('b::text').get() if title: href = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() response = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) # print(href, title) # 这里只是获取页面 # img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content # 不可行, 都是同一张图 https://pic.netbian.com/uploads/allimg/230813/221347-16919360273e05.jpg href = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1) # 若要标题乱码,此处可不解码 # response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) # selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1.text) # img_url = selector1.css('.slist li img::attr(src)').get() # 这一步错了, 要去href页面找img_url, 这是在原来的url页面找了 img_url = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(src)').get() img_content = requests.get(url=img_url, headers=headers).content # 顺便更新一下title, 因为原来的是半截的, 不全 title1 = selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(title)').get() modified_title = re.split(r'\d', tit编程客栈le1, 1)[0].strip() with open('img\\' + modified_title + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, title) print('正在保存:', modified_title, img_url) stop_time = time.time() print(f'耗时:{int(stop_time)-int(start_time)}秒')
# python多线程爬取高清4k壁纸图片 import os import re import time import requests import parsel import concurrent.futures def get_img(url): # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} # response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) # response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding # 自动转码, 防止中文乱码 # print(response.text) html_data = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') # print(html_data) selector = parsel.Selector(html_data) lis = selector.css('.slist li') for li in lis: # href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('b::text').get() if title: href = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() response = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) # print(href, title) # 这里只是获取页面 # img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content # 不可行, 都是同一张图 https://pic.netbian.com/uploads/allimg/230813/221347-16919360273e05.jpg href = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1) # 若要标题乱码,此处可不解码 # response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) # selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1.text) # img_url = selector1.css('.slist li img::attr(src)').get() # 这一步错了, 要去href页面找img_url, 这是在原来的url页面找了 img_url = 'https://pic.netbian.com' + selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(src)').get() img_content = requests.get(url=img_url, headers=headers).content # 顺便更新一下title, 因为原来的是半截的, 不全 title1 = selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(title)').get() modified_title = re.split(r'\d', title1, 1)[0].strip() img_folder = 'img1\\' if not os.path.exists(img_folder): os.makedirs(img_folder) with open(img_folder + modified_title + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, title) print('正在保存:', modified_title, img_url) def main(url): get_img(url) start_time = time.time() executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) for page in range(2, 12): print(f'--------- 正在爬取第{page}的内容 ----------') url = f'https://pic.netbian.com/4kmeinv/index_{page}.html' # 请求地址 executor.submit(main, url) executor.shutdown() stop_time = time.time() print(f'耗时:{int(stop_time) - int(start_time)}秒')
5/ 手机壁纸
import os import re import requests import parsel url = 'https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/5/' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; 编程客栈Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} # response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) # response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding # 自动转码, 防止中文乱码 # print(response.text) response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) #print(response.text) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) lis = selector.css('.pic-list2 li') #img_name=1 for li in lis: #href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('.pic img::attr(title)').get() #href = li.css('.pic img::attr(src)').get() #print(title, href) if title: #href = 'https://sj.zol.com.cn' +li.css('a::attr(href)').get() # https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html # https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html#p1 #href = 'https://app.zol.com.cn' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() + '#p1' href=li.css('img::attr(src)').get() #print(href, title) #href = 'https://app.zol.com.cn' + li.css('a::attr(href)').get() + '#p1' #response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content.decode('utf-8') #selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1) #img_url=selector1.css('.gallery li img::attr(src)').get() #print(img_url) # 这里只是获取页面 img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content # 不可行, 都是同一张图 https://pic.netbian.com/uploads/allimg/230813/221347-16919360273e05.jpg # https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html # https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html#p1 #href= selector1.css('.photo-list-box li::attr(href)').get() #href = 'https://app.zol.com.cn' + + '#p1' #response2 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) #selector2 = parsel.Selector(response2.text) #print(href) # 若要标题乱码,此处可不解码 # response1 = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers) # selector1 = parsel.Selector(response1.text) # img_url = selector1.css('.slist li img::attr(src)').get() # 这一步错了, 要去href页面找img_url, 这是在原来的url页面找了 #img_url = selector1.css('.gallery img::attr(src)').get() #img_content = requests.get(url=img_url, headers=headers).content #print(img_url) # 顺便更新一下title, 因为原来的是半截的, 不全 # title1 = selector1.css('.photo .photo-pic img::attr(title)').get() img_folder = 'img3\\' if not os.path.exists(img_folder): os.makedirs(img_folder) with open(img_folder + title + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, title) print('正在保存:', title,android href) #img_name += 1
# 下载子页面全部 import os import requests import parsel url = 'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901.html' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) lis = selector.css('.album-list li') i = 0 for li in lis: # Get all img elements within the current li img_tags = li.css('img::attr(src)').getall() # This gets all the img src attributes for href in img_tags: # Iterate over all img src attributes img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content img_folder = 'img4\\' if not os.path.exists(img_folder): os.makedirs(img_folder) with open(img_folder + str(i) + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, i) print('正在保存:', i, href) i += 1 # Increment i for each image saved
import os import re import requests import parsel url = 'https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/5/' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers) #print(response.text) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) #lis = selector.css('.pic-list2 li') # 筛除包含的底部 3个 猜你喜欢 lis=selector.css('.pic-list2 .photo-list-padding') for li in lis: #href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('.pic img::attr(title)').get() href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() #print(title, href) # https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html #url = "https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html" pattern = r'/bizhi/detail_(\d+)_\d+\.html' replacement = r'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_\1.html' new_url = re.sub(pattern, replacement, href) #print(href, new_url) #url = 'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901.html' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=new_url, headers=headers) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) lis1 = selector.css('.album-list li') i = 0 for li1 in lis1: # Get all img elements within the current li img_tags = li1.css('img::attr(src)').getall() # This gets all the img src attributes for href in img_tags: # Iterate over all img src attributes img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content img_folder = 'img5\\' if not os.path.exists(img_folder): os.makedirs(img_folder) with open(img_folder + title+'_'+str(i) + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, i) print('正在保存:',title+'_'+str(i), href) i += 1 # Increment i for each image saved
import os import re import requests import parsel for page in range(1,3): print(f'--------- 正在爬取第{page}的内容 ----------') if page==1: url = 'https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/5/' # 请求地址 else: url = f'https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/5/{page}.html' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) # print(response.text) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) # lis = selector.css('.pic-list2 li') # 筛除包含的底部 3个 猜你喜欢 lis = selector.css('.pic-listpython2 .photo-list-padding') for li in lis: # href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('.pic img::attr(title)').get() href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() # print(title, href) # https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html # url = "https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html" pattern = r'/bizhi/detail_(\d+)_\d+\.html' replacement = r'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_\1.html' new_url = re.sub(pattern, replacement, href) # print(href, new_url) # url = 'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901.html' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=new_url, headers=headers) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) lis1 = selector.css('.album-list li') i = 0 for li1 in lis1: # Get all img elements within the current li img_tags = li1.css('img::attr(src)').getall() # This gets all the img src attributes for href in img_tags: # Iterate over all img src attributes img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content img_folder = 'img6\\' if not os.path.exists(img_folder): os.makedirs(img_folder) with open(img_folder + title + '_' + str(i) + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, i) print('正在保存:', title + '_' + str(i), href) i += 1 # Increment i for each image saved
import os import re import time import requests import parsel import concurrent.futures def get_imgs(url): # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) # print(response.text) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) # lis = selector.css('.pic-list2 li') # 筛除包含的底部 3个 猜你喜欢 lis = selector.css('.pic-list2 .photo-list-padding') for li in lis: # href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() title = li.css('.pic img::attr(title)').get() href = li.css('a::attr(href)').get() # print(title, href) # https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html # url = "https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901_139948.html" pattern = r'/bizhi/detail_(\d+)_\d+\.html' replacement = r'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_\1.html' new_url = re.sub(pattern, replacement, href) # print(href, new_url) # url = 'https://app.zol.com.cn/bizhi/detail_12901.html' # 请求地址 # 模拟伪装 headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.139 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url=new_url, headers=headers) selector = parsel.Selector(response.text) lis1 = selector.css('.album-list li') i = 0 for li1 in lis1: # Get all img elements within the current li img_tags = li1.css('img::attr(src)').getall() # This gets all the img src attributes for href in img_tags: # Iterate over all img src attributes img_content = requests.get(url=href, headers=headers).content img_folder = 'img7\\' if not os.path.exists(img_folder): python os.makedirs(img_folder) with open(img_folder + title + '_' + str(i) + '.jpg', mode='wb') as f: f.write(img_content) # print(href, i) print('正在保存:', title + '_' + str(i), href) i += 1 # Increment i for each image saved def main(url): get_imgs(url) start_time = time.time() executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) for page in range(1, 9): #print(f'--------- 正在爬取第{page}的内容 ----------') if page == 1: url = 'https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/5/' # 请求地址 else: url = f'https://sj.zol.com.cn/bizhi/5/{page}.html' # 请求地址 executor.submit(main, url) executor.shutdown() stop_time = time.time() print(f'耗时:{int(stop_time) - int(start_time)}秒')
到此这篇关于Python爬虫使用实例-wallpaper的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Python wallpaper内容请搜索编程客栈(www.devze.com)以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持编程客栈(www.devze.com)!