- 前言
语句:select * from Student where Sex='男' and year(Birth)-(select year(Birth)from Student--这里是需要告诉查询的表名,相当于嵌套 where Sname='林红')<0
语句:select sc.sno,sname, course.Cno,Cname,Grade,Sex --这里如果两个表中都有同一个属性,则需要标明在哪个表,如sc.sno from student,sc,Course where student.Sno=sc.Sno and Sc.Cno=course.Cno
语句:select sc.sno ,sname , Cname , Grade from student s , course c, sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno
–a.用内连接查询语句:select sc.Sno,sname from student inner join sc on student.Sno=sc.Sno inner join course on sc.Cno =course.cno and Cname='C语言程序设计'
语句:select sc.Sno,sname fro开发者_SQLitem student,sc,course where student .Sno=sc.Sno and sc.Cno =course.cno and Cname='C语言程序设计'
语句:select Sno,sname from student where Sno in (select Sno from sc where Cno= (select cno from course where Cname ='C语言程序设计'))
–a.用连接查询语句:select a.Sno,a.sname,a.Home_addr from student a,student b where a.Classno =b.Classno and b.Sname ='张虹' and a.Sname!='张虹'
语句: javascriptselect Sno,sname,Home_addr from student where classno=(select classno from student where sname='张虹') and sname!='张虹'
代码1:select Sno,sname,Home_addr from student where classno!='051' and Birth<all (select Birth from student where classno='051')
select Sno,sname,Home_addr from student where classno!='051' and Birth<(select min(Birth) from student where classno='051')
–由题意可得另一种语言,没有一个选了课的学生没有选course表里的课程。那么,我们需要两个NOT EXISTS表示双重否定;语句:select Sname from student whepythonre not exists ( select * from course where not exists ( select * from sc where sno=student. sno and cno=Course.cno))
语句:select Sno, Sname from student where sno in ( select distinct sno from s编程c as sc1 where not exists ( select * from sc as sc2 where sc2.sno='20110002' SKvpNqand not exists ( select * from sc as sc3 where sc3.Sno=sc1.sno and sc3.cno=sC2.cno) ) )
语句:select sc.Sno, sc.cno , grade from sc where grade >all(select grade from sc where cno='002' ) and Cno= (select Cno from course where Cname='高数') order by Grade desc
语句:select sno,SUM(grade) from sc where sno in (select Sno from sc group by sno having COUNT(*)>=3) and Grade>=60 group by sno order by SUM (grade) desc
语句:select avg(Grade) as 平均成绩 from sc where Cno like '%3' group by cno having count (Cno)>3
select distinct sc.sno 学号,sname 姓名, max (grade) as最高分,min (grade) as最低分 from student,sc where sc.sno=student.Sno group by sc.sno , Sname having max(grade) -min编程客栈 (grade) >5
–创建过程:create table student__other ( Sno char (8) primary key, Sname varchar (8) not null, sex char(2) not null, Birth smalldatetime not null, Classno char (3) not null, Entrance_date smalldatetime not null, Home_addr varchar (40) , sdept char (2) not null, Postcode char (6) )
语句:select * from student__other so ,student s where so.sno=s.sno
代码:select * from student union select * from student__other