
在Ubuntu使用SQL Server创建Go应用程序的图文教程

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 09:20 出处:网络 作者: Lion
目录一、设置环境1.1、安装 SQL Server1.2、安装 golang1.3、安装 ODBC 驱动程序和 SQL 命令行实用工具 SQL 服务器二、使用 SQL 服务器创建 Go 应用程序2.1、创建连接到 SQL Server 并执行查询的 Go 应用2.2、创建一
  • 一、设置环境
    • 1.1、安装 SQL Server
    • 1.2、安装 golang
    • 1.3、安装 ODBC 驱动程序和 SQL 命令行实用工具 SQL 服务器
  • 二、使用 SQL 服务器创建 Go 应用程序
    • 2.1、创建连接到 SQL Server 并执行查询的 Go 应用
    • 2.2、创建一个使用 GORM 连接到 SQL Server 的 Go 应用程序
  • 三、让 Go 应用的速度提高 100 倍
    • 3.1、使用 sqlcmd 创建一个包含 5 万个的新表
    • 3.2、创建一个 Go 应用程序,用于查询此表并测量所花费的时间
    • 3.3、测量运行查询所需的时间
    • 3.4、使用 SQLCMD 向表中添加列存储索引
    • 3.5、重新运行 columnstore.go 脚本,并注意这次完成查询所花费的时间
  • 总结


    在 Ubuntu 机器上安装 SQL Server 2017和安装运行 GoLang 所需的依赖项。

    1.1、安装 SQL Server

    为了确保 SQL Server 的最佳性能,计算机应至少具有 4 GB 的内存。

    在Ubuntu使用SQL Server创建Go应用程序的图文教程

    (1)注册 Microsoft linux 存储库并添加其密钥。

    curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | sudo apt-key add -
    curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/16.04/mssql-server-2017.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-server-2017.list

    (2)安装 SQL Server。

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install mssql-server


    Reading package lists... Done

    Building dependency tree

    Reading state information... Done

    The following NEW packages will be installed:



    Unpacking mssql-server ...

    Setting up mssql-server ...

    (3)设置 SQL Server。

    sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup


    Microsoft(R) SQL Server(R) Setup

    To abort setup at anytime, press Ctrl-C.

    The license terms for this product can be downloaded from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746388 and

    found in /usr/share/doc/mssql-server/LICENSE.TXT.

    Do you accept the license terms? If so, please type YES:

    Please enter a password for the system administrator (SA) account:

    Please confirm the password for the system administrator (SA) account:

    1.2、安装 GoLang

    如果您的机器上已经安装了 Go,请跳过此步骤。


    curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    tar xvf go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo chown -R root:root ./go
    sudo mv go /usr/local

    (2)将这两行添加到 ~/.profile 文件中。

    export GOPATH=$HOME/work
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

    1.3、安装 ODBC 驱动程序和 SQL 命令行实用工具 SQL 服务器

    SQLCMD 是一个命令行工具,能够连接到 SQL Server 并运行查询。


    sudo su
    curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | apt-key add -
    #Download appropriate package for the OS version
    #Choose only ONE of the following, corresponding to your OS version
    #Ubuntu 16.04
    curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/16.04/prod.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list
    #Ubuntu 18.04
    curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/18.04/prod.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list
    #Ubuntu 19.10
    curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/19.10/prod.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install msodbcsql17
    # optional: for bcp and sqlcmd
    sudo ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install mssql-tools
    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    # optional: for UnixODBC development headers
    sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev

    (2)安装 SQLCMD 后,可以使用以下命令连接到 SQL Server:

    sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P yourpassword
    1> # You're connected! Type your T-SQL statements here. Use the keyword 'GO' to execute each BATch of statements.


    sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P yourpassword -Q "SELECT @@VERSION"


    Microsoft SQL Server vNext (CTP2.0) - 14.0.500.272 (X64)

        Apr 2 2023 11:44:40

        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

        on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)

    1 rows(s) returned

    Executed in 1 ns

    至此,已成功在 Ubuntu 机器上安装 SQL Server 命令行实用程序,已经在 Ubuntu 计算机上成功安装并设置 GoLang 和 mssql-tools。现在拥有开始使用 SQL Server 编写 Go 应用程序所需的一切。

    二、使用 SQL 服务器创建 Go 应用程序

    安装 SQL Server 和 GoLang 后,现在可以继续创建新的 Go 项目。在这里,将探讨三个简单的应用程序。其中一个将连接并打印数据库服务器的SQL Server版本,另一个将执行基本的插入,更新,删除和选择操作,第三个将使用GORM,一种流行的对象关系映射(ORM)框架,用于Go执行相同的操作。

    2.1、创建连接到 SQL Server 并执行查询的 Go 应用

    (1)创建新的项目目录并安装 Go 依赖项。

    cd ~/
    #Create Project Directory
    mkdir SqlServerSample
    cd SqlServerSample
    # Get and install the SQL Server driver for Go
    go get github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb
    go install github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb

    (2)通过使用 sqlcmd 连接到 SQL Server 并执行以下命令,创建将用于本教程其余部分的数据库。不要忘记使用自己的用户名和密码更新用户名和密码。

    sqlcmd -S -U sa -P <你的> -Q "CREATE DATABASE SampleDB;"

    (3)创建一个连接到 SQL Server 的简单 Go 应用。

    在 SqlServerSample 文件夹中创建一个名为 connect.go 的文件。将以下内容复制并粘贴到文件中。不要忘记使用自己的用户名和密码更新用户名和密码。

    此示例使用 GoLang 上下文方法来确保存在与数据库服务器的活动连接。

    package main
    import (
        _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
    // Replace with your own connection parameters
    var server = "localhost"
    var port = 1433
    var user = "sa"
    var password = "xxxxxx"
    var db *sql.DB
    func main() {
        var err error
        // Create connection string
        connString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d",
            server, user, password, port)
        // Create connection pool
        db, err = sql.Open("sqlserver", connString)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error creating connection pool: " + err.Error())
        // Close the database connection pool after program executes
        defer db.Close()
    // Gets and prints SQL Server version
    func SelectVersion(){
        // Use background context
        ctx := context.Background()
        // Ping database to see if it's still alive.
        // Important for handling network issues and long queries.
        err := db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error pinging database: " + err.Error())
        var result string
        // Run query and scan for result
        err = db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT @@version").Scan(&result)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Scan failed:", err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", result)


    go run connect.go



    Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (CTP2.1) - 14.0.600.250 (X64)

            Apr 2 2017 12:21:23

            Copyright (C) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

            Developer Edition (64-bit) on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS)

    (5)在 SqlServerSample 文件夹中创建一个名为 CreateTestData 的文件.sql。将以下 T-SQL 代码复制并粘贴到其中。这将创建一个架构、表并插入几行。

    CREATE SCHEMA TestSchema;
    CREATE TABLE TestSchema.Employees (
      Name NVARCHAR(50),
      Location NVARCHAR(50)
    INSERT INTO TestSchema.Employees (Name, Location) VALUES
    (N'Jared', N'Australia'),
    (N'Nikita', N'Indiajavascript'),
    (N'Tom', N'Germany');
    SELECT * FROM TestSchema.Employees;

    (6)使用 sqlcmd 连接到数据库并运行 SQL 脚本以创建架构、表并插入一些行。

    sqlcmd -S -U sa -P <你的> -d SampleDB -i ./CreateTestData.sql


    CREATE SCHEMA TestSchema;
    Executed in 0 ms
    CREATE TABLE TestSchema.Employees (
      Name NVARCHAR(50),
      Location NVARCHAR(50)
    Executed in 0 ms
    INSERT INTO TestSchema.Employees (Name, Location) VALUES
    (N'Jared', N'Australia'),
    (N'Nikita', N'India'),
    (N'Tom', N'Germany');
    Executed in 0 ms
    SELECT * FROM TestSchema.Employees;
    Id  Name    Location
    --  ------  ---------
    1   Jared   Australia
    2   Nikita  India
    3   Tom     Germany
    3 row(s) returned
    Executed in 1 ms

    (7)在 SqlServerSample 文件夹中创建一个名为 crud.go 的新文件。将以下代码复制并粘贴到其中。这将插入、更新、删除和读取几行。

    package main
    import (
        _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
    var db *sql.DB
    var server = "localhost"
    var port = 1433
    var user = "sa"
    var password = "你的"
    var database = "SampleDB"
    func main() {
        // Build connection string
        connString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d;database=%s;",
            server, user, password, port, database)
        var err error
        // Create connection pool
        db, err = sql.Open("sqlserver", connString)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error creating connection pool: ", err.Error())
        ctx := context.Background()
        err = db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
        // Create employee
        createID, err := CreateEmployee("Jake", "United States")
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error creating Employee: ", err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("Inserted ID: %d successfully.\n", createID)
        // Read employees
        count, err := ReadEmployees()
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error reading Employees: ", err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("Read %d row(s) successfully.androidn", count)
        // Update from database
        updatedRows, err := UpdateEmployee("Jake", "Poland")
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error updating Employee: ", err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("Updated %d row(s) successfully.\n", updatedRows)
        // Delete from database
        deletedRows, err := DeleteEmployee("Jake")
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error deleting Employee: ", err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("Deleted %d row(s) successfully.\n", deletedRows)
    // CreateEmployee inserts an employee record
    func CreateEmployee(name string, location string) (int64, error) {
        ctx := context.Background()
        var err error
        if db == nil {
            err = errors.New("CreateEmployee: db is null")
            return -1, err
        // Check if database is alive.
        err = db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        tsql := "INSERT INTO TestSchema.Employees (Name, Location) VALUES (@Name, @Location); select convert(bigint, SCOPE_IDENTITY());"
        stmt, err := db.Prepare(tsql)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        defer stmt.Close()
        row := stmt.QueryRowContext(
            sql.Named("Name", name),
            sql.Named("Location", location))
        var newID int64
        err = row.Scan(&newID)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        return newID, nil
    // ReadEmployees reads all employee records
    func ReadEmployees() (int, error) {
        ctx := context.Background()
        // Check if database is alive.
        err := db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        tsql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT Id, Name, Location FROM TestSchema.Employees;")
        // Execute query
        rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, tsql)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        defer rows.Close()
        var count int
        // Iterate through the result set.
        for rows.Next() {
            var name, location string
            var id int
            // Get values from row.
            err := rows.Scan(&id, &name, &location)
            if err != nil {
                return -1, err
            fmt.Printf("ID: %d, Name: %s, Location: %s\n", id, name, location)
        return count, nil
    // UpdateEmployee updates an employee's information
    func UpdateEmployee(name string, location string) (int64, error) {
        ctx := context.Background()
        // Check if database is alive.
        err := db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        tsql := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE TestSchema.Employees SET Location = @Location WHERE Name = @Name")
        // Execute non-query with named parameters
        result, err := db.ExecContext(
            sql.Named("Location", location),
            sql.Named("Name", name))
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        return result.RowsAffected()
    // DeleteEmployee deletes an employee from the database
    func DeleteEmployee(name string) (int64, error) {
        ctx := context.Background()
        // Check if database is alive.
        err := db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        tsql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM TestSchema.Employees WHERE Name = @Name;")
        // Execute non-query with named parameters
        result, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, tsql, sql.Named("Name", name))
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
        return result.RowsAffected()

    (8)运行 crud.go 应用以查看结果。

    go run crud.go



    Inserted ID: 4 successfully.

    ID: 1, Name: Jared, Location: Apythonustralia

    ID: 2, Name: Nikita, Location: India

    ID: 3, Name: Tom, Location: Germany

    ID: 4, Name: Jake, Location: United States

    Read 4 row(s) successfully.

    Updated 1 row(s) successfully.

    Deleted 1 row(s) successfully.

    2.2、创建一个使用 GORM 连接到 SQL Server 的 Go 应用程序

    (1)创建应用目录并初始化 Go 依赖项。

    cd ~/
    mkdir SqlServerGormSample
    cd SqlServerGormSample
    # Get and install the SQL Server driver for Go
    go get github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb
    go install github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb


    package main
    import (
        _ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mssql"
    var server = "localhost"
    var port = 1433
    var user = "sa"
    var password = "你的"
    var database = "SampleDB"
    // Define a User model struct
    type User struct {
        FirstName string
        LastName string
    // Define a Task model struct
    type Task struct {
        Title string
        DueDate string
        IsComplete bool
        UserID  uint
    // Read and print all the tasks
    func ReadAllTasks(db *gorm.DB){
        var users []User
        var tasks []Task
        for _, user := range users{
            fmt.Printf("%s %s's tasks:\n", user.FirstName, user.LastName)
            for _, task := range tasks {
                fmt.Printf("Title: %s\nDueDate: %s\nIsComplete:%t\n\n",
                                task.Title, task.DueDate, task.IsComplete)
    // Update a task based on a user
    func UpdateSomeonesTask(db *gorm.DB, userId int){
        var task Task
        db.Where("user_id = ?", userId).First(&task).Update("Title", "Buy donuts for Luis")
        fmt.Printf("Title: %s\nDueDate: %s\nIsComplete:%t\n\n",
                        task.Title, task.DueDate, task.IsComplete)
    // Delete all the tasks for a user
    func DeleteSomeonesTasks(db *gorm.DB, userId int){
        db.Where("user_id = ?", userId).Delete(&Task{})
        fmt.Printf("Deleted all tasks for user %d", userId)
    func main() {
        connectionString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d;database=%s",
                                            server, user, password, porthttp://www.devze.com, database)
        db, err := gorm.Open("mssql", connectionString)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Failed to create connection pool. Error: " + err.Error())
        defer db.Close()
        fmt.Println("Migrating models...")
        // Create awesome Users
        fmt.Println("Creating awesome users...")
        db.Create(&User{FirstName: "Andrea", LastName: "Lam"})      //UserID: 1
        db.Create(&User{FirstName: "Meet", LastName: "Bhagdev"})    //UserID: 2
        db.Create(&User{FirstName: "Luis", LastName: "Bosquez"})    //UserID: 3
        // Create appropriate Tasks for each user
        fmt.Println("Creating new appropriate tasks...")
            Title: "Do laundry", DueDate: "2017-03-30", IsComplete: false, UserID: 1})
            Title: "Mow the lawn", DueDate: "2017-03-30", IsComplete: false, UserID: 2})
            Title: "Do more laundry", DueDate: "2017-03-30", IsComplete: false, UserID: 3})
            Title: "Watch TV", DueDate: "2017-03-30", IsComplete: false, UserID: 3})
        // Read
        fmt.Println("\nReading all the tasks...")
        // Update - update Task title to something more appropriate
        fmt.Println("Updating Andrea's task...")
        UpdateSomeonesTask(db, 1)
        // Delete - delete Luis's task
        DeleteSomeonesTasks(db, 3)

    (3)运行 orm.go 应用。

    go run orm.go


    [info] removing callback `mssql:set_identity_insert` from C:/Projects/golang-experiments/tutorials/orm.go:70

    Migrating models...

    Creating awesome users...

    Creating new appropriate tasks...

    Reading all the tasks...

    Andrea Lam's tasks:

    Title: Do laundry

    DueDate: 2017-03-30


    Meet Bhagdev's tasks:

    Title: Mow the lawn

    DueDate: 2017-03-30


    Luis Bosquez's tasks:

    Title: Do more laundry

    DueDate: 2017-03-30


    Title: Watch TV

    DueDate: 2017-03-30


    Updating Andrea's task...

    Title: Buy donuts for Luis

    DueDate: 2017-03-30


    Deleted all tasks for user 3

    三、让 Go 应用的速度提高 100 倍

    已了解基础知识,接下来可以了解如何使用 SQL Server 改进应用。通过列存储索引的简单示例,以及它们如何提高数据处理速度。与传统行存储索引相比,列存储索引在分析工作负荷上可实现高达 100 倍的性能,并将数据压缩提高多达 10 倍。

    3.1、使用 sqlcmd 创建一个包含 5 万个的新表


    cd ~/mkdir SqlServerColumnstoreSamplecd SqlServerColumnstoreSample

    (2)在 SqlServerColumnstoreSample 文件夹中创建一个名为 CreateSampleTable 的新文件.sql文件。将下面的 T-SQL 代码粘贴到新的 SQL 文件中。保存并关闭文件。

    WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10)) AS a(a))
    SELECT TOP(5000000)
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.a) AS OrderItemId
    ,a.a + b.a + c.a + d.a + e.a + f.a + g.a + h.a AS OrderId
    ,a.a * 10 AS Price
    ,CONCAT(a.a, N' ', b.a, N' ', c.a, N' ', d.a, N' ', e.a, N' ', f.a, N' ', g.a, N' ', h.a) AS ProductName
    INTO Table_with_5M_rows
    FROM a, a AS b, a AS c, a AS d, a AS e, a AS f, a AS g, a AS h;

    (3)使用 sqlcmd 连接到数据库并运行 SQL 脚本以创建包含 5 万行的表。这可能需要几分钟才能运行。

    sqlcmd -S -U sa -P <你的> -d SampleDB -i ./CreateSampleTable.sql

    3.2、创建一个 Go 应用程序,用于查询此表并测量所花费的时间

    (1)在项目文件夹中,初始化 Go 依赖项。

    go get github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb
    go install github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb

    (2)在您的文件夹中创建一个名为 columnstore.go 的文件。

    package main
    import (
        _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
    var server = "localhost"
    var port = 1433
    var user = "sa"
    var password = "你的"
    var database = "SampleDB"
    var db *sql.DB
    // Delete an employee from database
    func ExecuteAggregateStatement(db *sql.DB) {
        ctx := context.Background()
        // Ping database to see if it's still alive.
        // Important for handling network issues and long queries.
        err := db.PingContext(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error pinging database: " + err.Error())
        var result string
        // Execute long non-query to aggregate rows
        err = db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT SUM(Price) as sum FROM Table_with_5M_rows").Scan(&result)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error executing query: " + err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("Sum: %s\n", result)
    func main() {
        // Connect to database
        connString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d;database=%s;",
                                    server, user, password, port, database)
        var err error
        // Create connection pool
        db, err = sql.Open("sqlserver", connString)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Open connection failed:", err.Error())
        defer db.Close()
        t1 := time.Now()
        fmt.Printf("Start time: %s\n", t1)
        t2 := time.Since(t1)
        fmt.Printf("The query took: %s\n", t2)


    从终端运行 Go 应用。

    go run columnstore.go



    Start time: 2023-04-02 15:33:50.0340976 -0700 PDT

    Sum: 50000000

    The query took: 601.7463ms

    3.4、使用 SQLCMD 向表中添加列存储索引


    sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P <你的> -d SampleDB -Q "CREATE CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX Columnstoreindex ON Table_with_5M_rows;"

    3.5、重新运行 columnstore.go 脚本,并注意这次完成查询所花费的时间

    go run columnstore.go


    Start time: 2017-06-05 16:35:02.5409285 -0700 PDT

    Sum: 50000000

    The query took: 86.9826ms


    使用列存储索引使 Go 应用更快。


    到此这篇关于在Ubuntu使用SQL Server创建Go应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Ubuntu SQL Server创建Go应用程序内容请搜索我们以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持我们!



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